This episode is brought to you by MAYAN DECEMBER, the exciting new SF novel from Brenda Cooper.
This fantasy time travel novel brings you deep into the historical roots of Mayan culture and features a handsome dreadlocked time-traveler, an ancient shamam, a high ranking Mayan couple, a computer nerd, and loads of adventures.
THE WORKER PRINCE, by Bryan Thomas Schmidt, is a classic space opera that has been compared to STAR WARS and portrays true heroes vs. true bad guys. When a young prince learns the truth about his heritage, the future of two societies hang in the balance. Oh, and did we mention space ships.
You can follow Brenda on Twitter, and Bryan is the host and creator of #SFFWRTCHT on Twitter. He interviews science fiction and fantasy professionals every Wednesday at 9pm Eastern, and you can join in the conversation. And, please, tell them AISFP sent you!
- Vernor Vinge has penned some of the great classics in science fiction. He was an early writer of cyberpunk fiction and famously published an essay “The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era” in 1993. His new novel is CHILDREN OF THE SKY, the direct sequel to the 1992 Hugo winning novel A FIRE UP ON THE DEEP. In the interview we discuss the timing of this sequel, near future SF, Zones of Thought, keeping the Singularity at arms-length, writing teenagers, Group Mind, and much more.
- My CLARKESWORLD interview with Vernor.
- My 2006 interview with Vernor for RAINBOWS END.
- We have a big announcement in this episode. Starting now we will be producing, on average, two shows per week. The Wednesday/Thursday show will feature our main interview, and our weekend show will feature our other segments, including news, commentary, Ask a Writer, From the Editor’s Desk, Magazine Spotlight, listener feedback and some new segments Shaun is cooking up.
- And, yes, we have a book giveaway of Bryan Thomas Schmidt’s THE WORKER PRINCE. Details can be found here.
San Diego
Mysterious Galaxy
7:00 PM
Los Angeles
Mysterious Galaxy Redondo Beach
7:30 PM
University Books
7:00 PM
Powells – Cedar Hills Crossing
7:00 PM
San Francisco
Borderlands Books
3:00 PM
Podcast: Download (Duration: 50:53 — 35.1MB)
Bumping this one to the top of the listening list. Conga-rats on getting the first (that I know of) interview of him for his latest book! You even beat Rick Kleffel (The Agony Column) to the punch!
Thanks, Fred. It was a lot of fun. Vernor doesn’t do a lot of podcasts, so I was very pleased to have him on.
Poul Anderson – The Rebel Worlds
is the book with the group minds.
Who’s your google master now?
Um. I was permanently damaged in the making of this podcast.
OHHH! Tam is bringing it!
Moses, you were permanently damaged BEFORE the making of this podcast, but we still love you.
In the interview Vernor mentioned fans writing to him. Do you know, Shaun, if he has a non-private email address for such fan mail and/or a postal address for correspondence? Thanks for the interview!
Good question, Jason. I don’t know if he has a public email. I’d guess not. My advice would be to contact Tor and see if they forward mail to him.
Thanks, Shaun. I did find this on Tor’s website:
-How do I contact a Tom Doherty Associates, LLC author? Can I get my book signed?
We regularly forward mail to authors. Address mail to Author Name, c/o Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Please be aware that due to the volume of mail received, it may take time for your letter or package to be forwarded. Only regular mail will be forwarded.