‘They’ll stand amongst the corpses of the beloved.’ That’s what he said at the end, though I never considered myself one of the beloved, not at the beginning. I was simply a terrified woman then, but now… now I understand. Maybe I wish I didn’t. Eldon Thompson raves, “Readers with the fortitude to take the plunge stand to be rewarded with what may go down as one of the most ambitious, redefining forays into epic fantasy of all time.”
With more than 80 books published, New York Times bestselling author David Bischoff brings you Hotspur Publishing, a new publisher of science fiction and fantasy, featuring both classic titles and works from newly discovered talent. Fill you e-reader today with their stellar opening lineup, including titles like FREEDOM CLUB, by Saul Garnell, WOLF DAWN, by Susan Cartwright, and Bishoff’s THE DESTINY DICE, praised by Piers Anthony as “Hilarious!”
Discover EULOGY by D. T. Conklin and Hotspur Publishng and enjoy many sleepless nights! And tell them AISFP sent you.
Show Notes:
- Shaun and Brent discuss a voicemail from John Mierau regarding our discussion in Episode 171 on the responsibility artists have when their work is used for evil.
- Then we ask “What subgenre in science fiction and fantasy is underrepresented on book shelves?” Answers from listeners range from Bizarro to Superhero fiction to Whistlepunk. . . . Yeah, you can thank Shaun Duke for that one.
Featured Interview:
- Brent and Bryan Thomas Schmidt sat down with Glen Cook at Conquest to discuss his illustrious career. Glen recounts his first novel and the long process to reclaiming it when it was stolen from his house. He also recounts his days living with Fritz Leiber, and there is quite the discussion on writing.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:15:56 — 52.3MB)
I had to look up what Bizarro fiction was when I submitted to a bizarro anthology (The Big Book of Bizarro). I’m not sure I totally understand the genre other than it being taking the abnormal as normal and the normal as abnormal. My story about the dream of a nuclear family in a post-zombie world was accepted and published in the anthology, so I guess that’s an example. The other stories in the anthology range from the grotesque to the absurd with the common element being shock-value.