AISFP 11 – Timothy Zahn

Episode 11 of AISFP features Timothy Zahn of Star Wars fame. But don’t think he’s just a Star Wars author. This guy has dozens of novels, and he has won a Hugo Award!

Show notes:
– Dan Parkins, of Liver for Dan, is doing quite well. Check out the website to see how he’s doing.
The Silk Code podcast novel is now avaiable! Subscribe and enjoy the Locus Award winning novel by Paul Levinson. Read by yours truly.
– I haven’t forgotten about emails, and I’ll get some in the show soon.
– Timothy Zahn discusses his new novel, short stories, and why he doesn’t write fantasy. The answer may surprise you.

Promo: The Silk Code

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  1. Listened to this one (again) and the other Zahn episode (first time) while driving back and forth to my parents (loooong drive). After getting back I ordered the “Rigel” and other books in that series he talked about. Heck, I may have to re-buy those SW books that I had previously and pick up his others that have come out since (I’m a tad older than you, Shaun, so I did not start off with SW!). I’ve enjoyed Zahn’s non-SW books, so I’m glad to hear we’ll see more of the “Cobras”!

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