I’ve been Podholed

Steve Eley of EscapePod and Michael R. Mennega of Slice of Scifi and Dragon Page have podholed me for their podcast about podcasting, Podholes.

This is a great podcast about the art and craft of creating these little downloadable audio thingies, and I thought their critique of my show was very fair and very encouraging. Click here to listen to the show, Podholes #17. I’ll discuss their critique in the next episode of AISFP, and if you’d like to comment on what they say, please do so here so others can interact. Thanks all!

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  1. Pamela Milkweed says

    For what’s it worth, I mostly disagree with their criticisms. I don’t think you need a co-host, and I appreciate the fact that you don’t edit down what the authors say at their signings.

    Your podcast is more about the writers than your on-air personality. You get straight to the point and I like that. There are a lot of podcasts out there filled with “witty banter” that I find pretty boring and pointless. You keep that down to a minimum, and I think that’s a good thing.

    Just a girl’s opinion. Keep up the good work!

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks Pamela. I appreciate that feedback. I’ve been wanting a cohost since I started this podcast. It just seems like it would be more fun to do with someone else, but I’ve been very careful about finding the perfect person to ask. And it looks like that I have one! You might like that fact that my new cohost is a woman, and she’s very smart and really in touch with this genre. In fact, her knowledge puts me to shame. It will be a while before she makes her appearance, but the authors and the publishing world will always be the focus of this show. So don’t worry about that!

  3. Paul Levinson says

    Congrats, Shaun – and well deserved!

    Pamela Milkweed – you have a great name! I’ll try to resist using it a novel ….:)


  4. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks for dropping by Paul! Yeah, Pamela is great. She always stops by and leaves comments, which I appreciate and enjoy greatly. Thanks Pamela!

  5. Awww… feelin’ the love Shaun! Don’t hype me too much: they may finally listen to me and go, “Who is this foo’?!”

    Pamela, I promise not to bludgeon you into boredom with superfluous “witty banter”!

  6. Shaun Farrell says

    Hi Sam. You? Witty? Ha! OUCH! I’m just kidding!

  7. pwnt.

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