The Silk Code in iTunes

I discovered something new recently. You can actually download the entire podiobook of The Silk Code in iTunes!

The way used to do things went like this: they would place the first four or five episodes on iTunes, and then they would tell people that if they wanted the rest of the novel to sign up for free at Looks like they’ve changed their ways a bit, because the entire novel is available in the iTunes Music Store.

I think this is a great move by By making content more readily available, they increase their potential audience and create more new users. Bravo, guys.

So, if you’ve been wanting to check out The Silk Code, but you didn’t want to sign up for a account, then just look it up in iTunes. And, please, if you like the book write a review.

Thanks for listening everyone, and don’t forget to send in your questions for either Paul or myself soon. The last call for questions or feedback has been issued. If you would like to leave a voicemail, go ahead and call (206) 350-5029. It’s the number for Adventures in Scifi Publishing, so make sure you specify that you’re calling for The Silk Code.

Thanks again.

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