AISFP 39 – Howard V. Hendrix and Recent Books

Hard SF author Howard V. Hendrix joins us in our season one finale to discuss his infamous webscabs blogpost. He also talks about why hard SF is suffering in readership compared to fantasy.

Show Notes:
– For a brief moment Shaun recounts some of the highlights from Season 1. Thanks again for joining us on this journey, and stay subscribed to the feed so you don’t miss an episodes when we return in January. Plus, you never know what kind of bonus treats Shaun might drop in the feed before then, just to see who’s paying attention. . .

– Ask a Writer with Tobias Buckell features a question about cover letters
– Robert J. Sawyer says hi.
– Interview with Howard V. Hendrix

Books Received:
We’ve had some great books come in lately, so I wanted to tell you all about them.

Selling Out, book two of the Quantum Gravity series, continues Justina Robson’s spunky and fast paced series from Pyr. Book One was a fun romp with the feel of cyberpunk meets paranormal romance, but without those vampires and werewolves that permeate so many novels these days. Lila Black, the ultra-tough female cyborg that leads these novels, here delves into Demonia, and the journey promises to be harrowing.

I have yet to read Joel Shepherd, so I’m going to quote the back of Killswitch: “Two years after the unhatching of Callayan President Neiland’s plot to make the capital city of Tanusha the center of the Federations, Callay is under seige. So begins the third installment of this gripping trilogy from an exciting new sci-fi author.”

I have been wanted to read the Cassandra Kresnov novels since I first discovered them. The covers are amazing, and they captured my imagination immediatlely. I’ve read positive reviews on Sheperd’s work, and if anyone out there has enjoyed these novels, pleaes leave a comment and let me know.

I have also been wanting to read Sean Williams’ Books of the Cataclysm series for a long time. They come highly recommened by Tobias Buckell, and check out what had to say: “[A] uniquely satisfying work. . . . Between the characters, the strange creatures, and the landscape, Seam Williams gives readers something fresh and mildly familiar in Epic Fantasy with his Books of the Cataclysm.” I’m holding book 3, The Hanging Mountains, in my hand, and it looks wonderful.

I’m currently reading Williams’ forthcoming novella Cenotaxis from Monkey Brain Books, and it is awesome. That didn’t surprise me. I’ve read Williams before, so I can safely and wholeheartedly recommend his work.

Promo: The Silk Code

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  1. hey when is the next season starting?

    i didnt catch it on the show.

    btw, at risk of angering the vast hordes…i wondered at the same before hendrix made the comment. I think its alittle like the ‘fanfic’, it maybe great…but after a certain time, dont you want real rewards for that level of involvement?

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    I don’t have a specific date yet, Raul, but I’m looking at early to mid January.

    And, yes, I agree. I know I want some “real” rewards.

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