AISFP 71 – Bear McCreary

Our final show of 2008 is something special and unique. Following up on the great success of our first science fiction music episode with Chris Armstrong, we here present an exclusive interview with Bear McCreary, composer for Battlestar Galactica, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and Eureka.

Show Notes:

Book Roundup: Instead of publishing news, Sam and I discuss some of the titles that have graced our studio (Shaun’s house) over the last couple of months. It is vacation time, after all, and some of you may be in need of good reads. Check ’em out!

Interview with Bear McCreary.

We wrap things up by looking at the year where to buy gabapentin that was. Sam smiles fondly upon Charles Stross, YA literature, and the collaborative efforts of Lincoln and Child. Shaun gives his “best book I read this year” honor to Kay Kenyon for Bright of the Sky.

Our sincere gratitude goes to all our listeners for supporting the show, giving it life, and encouraging your humble hosts with countless emails. Without getting too mushy, it really means a lot, and we look forward to bringing you more fun, information, and entertainment in 2009.

We will be taking about a month off, but we’ll be back in early February. Until then, keep reading!

Promo: Scott Sigler: Contagious

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  1. Damn you, Shaun Farrell! Damn you!

    Now, after listening to your interview with Bear McCreary, with all his commentary on the music from the new Battlestar Galactica, now I have to actually watch the show!

    Damn you!


    Excellent interview, but you were blessed with a guy who is glorying in doing what he does best: “for me, it’s a dream come true…”

    And now, I’ll have to see if BSG is actually on Hulu somewhere, since I don’t actually watch Regular TV of any flavor. Didn’t like the original series, but -now-…

    Damn you! (Sort of.)



  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Ha! I love it, Griz. Enjoy the show. You’ll be hooked.

  3. Awesome! I can’t wait for this Friday, when BSG continues. The music really makes such an impact. What a score to land Bear for an interview! Sounds like a great guy!

  4. For your amusement: Since New Dog, Mark 4.0 insists on chewing books (can’t have that in our house!), she is now being crated. For her entertainment, I leave the computer on, running various podcasts…including Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing.

  5. Shaun Farrell says

    That is going to be one genuis of a dog.


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