UPDATE: Contest ends Wednesday, November 24 at midnight Pacific time!
We finally announce the details for the logo art contest. We need a new logo and a new banner! Submissions need to feature a banner 960 pixels by 100 pixels and an iTunes image 300 pixels by 300 pixels. All the details are before the interview in episode 98, but we’re basically looking for something sleek, hip, and science fictional. Have fun, and submit to our email within the next two months (by November): adventuresinscifipublishing (at) gmail (dot) com. Remember to consider the banner ad placement when designing the banner. We will place deadline announcements here and on the podcast.
The winner of the contest will receive free advertising on AISFP for a FULL YEAR and all entries will be featured on the website in this Feature Article. Tell your designer friends!
Feature image is John Picacio’s illustration for Dan Simmon’s The Terror
Shaun. I just found out about your Banner Art contest. I am planning on submitting some art. Is there still time?! Thanks.
You still have time, Gregory. Go for it!