Sam Sykes, author of Tome of the Undergates, joins us to discuss his new novel, hard-to-like characters, authors who defend their work, criticism, the future, and much more.

This episode is brought to you by Tome of the Undergates, an exciting new epic fantasy by Sam Sykes. Full of razor-sharp wit and characters who leap off the page and plunge the reader into a vivid world of adventure, this fantasy kicks off a series that could dominate the second decade of the century. Read the novel Stephen Deas praises as “slaughter-fest fantasy with a surprising pathos. . . Sam Sykes has invented a whole new genre – Call of Duty: Demon Warfare.”
Show Notes:
This interview was conducted by Wesley, who contacted me in August about doing some interviews from Dragoncon. Thank you, Wes!
Link: Before They Were Giants, Edited by James L. Sutter. Click the image to learn more. Published by Planet Stories.
Link: A Look at reading habits, submitted by Emilio.
Link: Professor Courtney Brown’s Science Fiction and Politics Course.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 33:05 — 22.8MB)
I really enjoy listening to AISFP. It is obvious that it is a labor of love, and thanks for providing informative and inspiring episodes. I particularly enjoyed the interview with Sam Sykes and will look forward to reading his books. WIshing Sam a career of success and great stories. And wishing you much success too, Shaun, with all your creative endeavors.
Thank you, Jim. It is a labor of love. No doubt. Tell your friends! 🙂