NEWS – Chat with some of your favorite AISFP guests!

We are excited to announce a cross-promotion with SFFWRTCHT for the month of September. Hosted by author Bryan Thomas Schmidt, SFFWRTCHT is an innovative and interactive platform to interview authors of science fiction and fantasy through Twitter. Anyone can participate, and in September Bryan will be featuring some of our recent guests. Here’s the lineup:

9/07/11— Greg Van Eekhout
9/14/11— Daniel Polansky
9/21/11 — Moses Siregar
9/28/11 —AISFP Podcast/Shaun Farrell

Los Angeles native Greg Van Eekhout writes books for kids and adults. He has worked as an ice cream scooper, a political fundraiser, a comic book store clerk, a bookseller, a bookstore assistant manager, an educational multimedia developer, and a college teacher (of English and of multimedia development), among other things. His books are titled: The Boy At The End Of The World, Kid Vs. Squid and Norse Code. He can be found online via his website at  or via Twitter and Facebook.


Baltimore native Daniel Polansky is a new author whose book Low Town releases from Doubleday in August. He can be found online via his website or on Twitter as @DanielPolansky and on Facebook.


Moses Siregar III, Co-Host and New Correspondent for Adventures in Scifi Publishing is the author of THE BLACK GOD’S WAR, a dramatic epic fantasy novel inspired by Homer; you can sample it for 99 cents at Amazon or Smashwords. He lives with his family at high elevation in Prescott, AZ, and blogs about passion for the writing life at Moses and Dionysus Walk Into a Bar …


Shaun Farrell, Editor-in-Chief and Co-Host, started Adventures in Scifi Publishing because he loves speculative fiction. Plain and simple. He has written articles for Strange Horizons, Clarksworld Magazine, and Far Sector SFFH. Some of his favorite writers are Ray Bradbury, Dan Simmons, Kay Kenyon, Frank Herbert, Ursula K. LeGuin, and Tobias Buckell, to name a few. In addition to loving great literature, Shaun is an aspiring novelist and actor. He recently completed principle photography in his first major role in a feature film, Death Dress, to be released in 2011. Shaun lives in Northern California with his beautiful and supporting wife, Brenna, and two children. You can follow Shaun on Twitter. He is on facebook as well.

Since starting SFFWRTCHT, Bryan had featured SFF luminaries, including Lou Anders, Mike Resnick, Kevin J. Anderson, and Mary Robinette Kowal, to name a few.

How to Participate

Simply follow @sffwrtcht and log into Twitter at 6pm Pacific on the dates mentioned. Also follow the hashtag #sffwrtcht so you don’t miss any of the conversation. Until then, prepare your questions, and we’ll see you on Twitter!

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