The Next Chapter
An Editorial by Shaun Farrell
It’s hard to believe that 2013 will mark my seventh year podcasting. There have been many highs and lows, and I’ve committed multiple podcasting sins! But none of those missteps have quelled my passion for great story, nor my great love for talking with authors and editors about their work.
In 2013, Moses, Brent, Sandra, Miranda, Matt and I seek to take AISFP to a new level, and we want to try something that, to the best of my knowledge, has never been done in science fiction podcasting. Beginning in January, AISFP will not return to our regular 1-2 shows per week format. Instead, we will become a daily audio digest, if you will, with 4-5 new shows per week.
Ambitious, you say? Well, yeah, but there are a few caveats:
- Episodes will be shorter (20-25 minutes);
- The majority of episodes will be interview only;
- The crew will get together once a week or so for a longer episode to discuss the genre world;
- All books received by us from publishers will, at the very least, be mentioned on the show.
Now, in order for this new format to continue throughout the year, we must raise enough revenue to replace my part-time job. As many of you know, I have a full-time job that I enjoy very much, but I also work a small part-time job. The primary reason I produced only 4 shows since October is because I simply did not have time for the podcast on top of the two jobs. But if the podcast can generate more revenue, I can give this podcast the time it truly deserves, and we will publish an insane number of interviews this year.
How you can help
I ask you, our wonderful audience, to partner with us. There are three things you can do:
- Listen to the show; download every episode; and tell your friends.
- Pass on this information to potential sponsors. Sponsorship is a main Sponsorship Program to reflect the new format. The changes will provide improved flexibility and exposure to our sponsors, making it more valuable than ever before. Also, the changes will make the sponsorship audio spot dynamic and unique upon each listen so you folks won’t have to hear the same promo repeatedly! driver behind making this possible, and I have revamped our
- Commit to donating $3 a month to the podcast. For the price of one cup of coffee a month, you can play a major role in elevating AISFP to new heights. A lot of people listen to this show and have for years, and I am so very thankful. If just 500 people committed to this goal than I can, even without committed sponsors, have the confidence to move away from my part-time job and fully embrace the hours necessary to produce 5 shows a week. And how many podcasts will give you 16-20 shows per month for just three bucks?
Become an Insider?
I also ask for your feedback. I am considering the formation of an Insiders Club for those who contribute $3 regularly, either monthly or one lump sum of $36. We need at least 500 members to do this, and the benefits would be additional content and AISFP swag like t-shirts and bookmarks. I have no firm details on this yet, but please let me know if that sounds of interest to you.
One Last Thing
We are going to give away more free books in 2013 than ever before. Make sure to tell your friends that if they want free books, AISFP is the place to be!
It’s going to be an exciting year. We want to do something in genre podcasting that has never been done before. We have six years of what I believe is quality content and proven experience to build from, and we hope you’ll join us. See you in January!
Wow, these are some big ambitious plans. Best of luck guys, I’ll definitely be listening.
Thanks, Rusty! Before we could form the “club” we would need a certain number of participants. Maybe I should talk with Mur Lafferty about the Exclusive Password protected fee she was using for the insiders of I Should be Writing. At the very least, we can do exclusive book giveaways and swag, but we would need a minimum threshold of “members”. Perhaps 500 is too large a number to start with. Maybe 200 would be a better launch point. I don’t know; I’m thinking this through will all of you!
So, for those who are interested, please let me know. In the meantime, if you can support the show with a $3 a month donation (or $36 annual donation), please do so knowing that the “Insider’s Club” is still an idea under development. We have to get enough interest to move forward with it. I will keep track of everyone who donates, and I will keep you all informed on our progress as we explore options. This is something we can create together, Rusty, which I think is really exciting.
Thanks, Ryan. Please spread the word!
Holy Cow! That is huge news. That many episodes a week? I’m totally on board with that. And I’d shell out $36 per year for membership of the AISFP club. I loved my Thieftaker prize from last fall. It was a great gift.
Can that many interviews be pulled off in a week’s time?
I’m interested.
Many of the interviews will be multiple parts, Robert. So, Monday would be Part One with Brent Weeks, and Tuesday would be Part Two. We’re going to do our best to divide the interview by subject matter: Part one: Discuss the new book; part two: discuss publishing, future projects, and the meaning of life. That kind of thing.
I’m in – a daily podcast sounds awesome! Donation sent!
Thank you, Bill!