Soda Pop Soldier is the new novel from Nick Cole, author of the bestselling Wasteland Saga. Call of Duty meets Diablo, Soda Pop Soldier is the must-read thriller for gamers and anyone interested in how that profession could affect a bleak, future world.
Guest host, Michael Bunker, author of #1 Science Fiction Novel on Amazon, Pennsylvania, joins Timothy C. Ward, author of the Hugh Howey Sand fanfic novelette, Scavenger, to interview Nick about:
- Why turning fiction into games is a more lucrative business move than fiction to movies.
- How Nick and Michael are planning to create a new epic fiction universe in the hopes of one day making a game.
- All the teasers you need to see why Soda Pop Soldier is a gamer’s must read.
- Exclusive news on Nick Cole future projects.
- How Nick uses his love for food to make some of the best food scenes you’ll read.
- Publishing across traditional and indie and Nick and Michael’s experiences in those avenues.
- And much more!
About Nick:
Nick Cole is a working actor living in Southern California. When he is not auditioning for commercials, going out for sitcoms or being shot, kicked, stabbed or beaten by the students of various film schools for their projects, he can often be found as a guard for King Phillip the Second of Spain in the Opera Don Carlo at Los Angeles Opera or some similar role. Nick Cole has been writing for most of his life and acting in Hollywood after serving in the U.S. Army.
About Soda Pop Soldier:
Gamer PerfectQuestion fights for ColaCorp in WarWorld, an online combat sport arena where mega-corporations field entire armies in the battle for real world global advertising-space dominance. Within the immense virtual battlefield, players and bots are high-tech grunts, using drop-ships and state-of-the-art weaponry to wipe each other out.
But times are tough and the rent is due, and when players need extra dough, there’s always the Black, an illegal open source tournament where the sick and twisted desires of the future are given free rein in the Wastehavens, a gothic dungeon fantasy world.
And all too soon, the real and virtual worlds collide when PerfectQuestion refuses to become the tool of a mad man intent on hacking the global economy for himself.
Buy Soda Pop Soldier: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Indiebound | Google | iBookstore
Michael Bunker is a bestselling author, off-gridder, husband, and father of four children. He lives with his family in a “plain” community in Central Texas, where he reads and writes books…and occasionally tilts at windmills. He is the author of several popular and acclaimed works of dystopian sci-fi, including the WICK series, The Silo Archipelago, and the Amish/Sci-Fi thriller PENNSYLVANIA; two books humor/satire including Hugh Howey Must Die! and LEGENDARIUM; as well as many nonfiction works, including the bestseller Surviving Off Off-Grid. Michael was commissioned by through their Kindle Worlds program to write a serial in the World of Kurt Vonnegut. That book is entitled Osage Two Diamonds, and it debuted on Dec. 17, 2013. Michael was recently interviewed in a article that will give you more background and insight into his life and works…
Our Sponsor: S. Ron Mars’ EAT FISH OR DIE Audible Short Story
Stuck on a small planetoid, we find Major Joachim Merlot. He’s the military equivalent of a street sweeper, defending Earth against an alien race of stinking fish-like creatures. Merlot isn’t interested in being any kind of hero – he just wants to return home and see who won the office betting pool. His odds of making it back alive are only one in 16, but that doesn’t matter. He’s been issued a handy dandy Battle Ready Android with the fire power of an entire platoon. The only problem? He can’t let the android think too much. Too much thinking, you see, can upset it. And there’s the rub. Since everyone thinks most of the time, how can you figure out when it’s too much?
Warning: This is not a paranormal urban fantasy romance.
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Timothy C. Ward
Executive Producer
Timothy C. Ward has been podcasting since 2010, first as AudioTim, and now with AISFP. His newest story, Scavenger: A Sand Diver Tale
, is available on Kindle or Smashwords for $.99. His novel in progress, Order After Dark, is a Post-apocalyptic Fantasy set in the rift between Iowa and the Abyss. Sign up to his author newsletter for updates on new releases.
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