Book Giveaways

We are moving to a newsletter based giveaway system. If you subscribe, you will be entered in every giveaway that we have. Check out our recent podcast for details on what we have to give away this week. Emails go out generally once a week, on Friday.

To give you a taste of what our subscribers have been entered to win:

Week of 7/14-7/21

3 paperback copies of Steven Erikson’s new novella, The Wurms of Blearmouth. (Excerpt and book description)

2 Audible copies of S. Ron Mars’ Eat Fish and Die short story. (story description in our podcast with Max Gladstone)

Both are US only, sign up to newsletter before 7/22 to be entered.

Past Giveaways:6/16-23 – Defenders by Will McIntosh


Orbit Books is giving away once copy of DEFENDERS to a US or Canada resident. Subscribe to the newsletter by 6/23 to be entered.

6/2 – 9 Posts and Book Giveaways: (Monday) Excerpt of Ecko Burning by Danie Ware; (Tuesday) Podcast on Bloodsounders Arc with Jeff Salyards; (Wednesday) Interview about The Unwrapped Sky by Rjurik Davidson

This week, AISFP Newsletter subscribers from the US and Canada will be entered to win one of three paper copies of Ecko Burning during this week’s giveaway. We also have three hardback sets of Jeff Salyards’ Bloodsounders Arc (Scourge of the Betrayer and Veil of the Deserters) to go with our podcast interview on Tuesday, and three hardback copies of The Unwrapped Sky by Rjurik Davidson to go with our interview with him on Wednesday. Subscribe by Monday, June 9th at 11:59 PM CDT.

5/26 – 6/2 Giveaway: AISFP Podcast 261 Michael J. Martinez, The Daedalus Series + DEADROADS Excerpt and Guestpost

*Giveaway*: Night Shade Books is offering a giveaway to subscribers of our newsletter. Some will win paper copies of their choice of either of Michael Martinez’s books or Robin Riopelle’s book, Deadroads, also from Night Shade Books. We will have an excerpt and guest post on Deadroads on Wednesday morning. To enter, sign up for our AISFP Newsletter by 11:59 PM CDT on Monday, 6/2/14. US only, sorry.

5/20 AISFP Podcast 260 – Writing Characters with Nancy Kress (Paradise ICON)

This week’s giveaway: 5 ebook copies of Salt by Colin F. Barnes and 3 paper copies of The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume 8 by Jonathan Strahan. To win, sign up for our newsletter. Giveaway ends next Monday at 11:59 PM CDT. Worldwide entries!

5/12 AISFP 259 – Grimdark Character Arcs with Ragnarok Publications – Ebook choice of any Ragnarok title and five ebook sets of Mark T. Barnes, The Echoes of Empire trilogy

5/5 AISFP 258 – Marie Brennan, A NATURAL HISTORY OF DRAGONS – Two sets of the first two books in her A Memoir of Lady Trent series

4/28 AISFP 257 Elizabeth Bear, ETERNAL SKY Trilogy Giveaway – Hardcover trilogy set and a choice of ebook to second winner

Books Received: