A horribly delayed review, for which I unreservedly apologise to John Joseph Adams and the editorial crew (hey, you know I love you guys!). In my defence, I had a backlog, made my return from seven years in Bulgaria back to my homeland, Scotland, got a new job, etc., etc…. Nevertheless, regardless, as they say, […]
Review: Nightmare Magazine, April 2015
Filed Under: Magazine Reviews, Short Fiction Tagged With: ghosts, horror, magazine, non-fiction
Review: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Lightspeed Special

When I was around 11 years old, a girl in our English class read aloud her creative writing assignment. It was about a soldier in the first World War, so badly wounded that he couldn’t stop the rats in his trench from chewing his feet off. The teacher, who had up until that moment been […]
Filed Under: Magazine Reviews Tagged With: John Joseph Adams, Lightspeed Magazine, original science fiction, science fiction magazines, Short Stories
Review: Lightspeed Magazine 48, ed. John Joseph Adams

Though this is the first issue of Lightspeed I’ve read, there’s no question in my mind that it’s easily the equal, in terms of content, of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction although, to be fair, not all of the stories here are originals. I’ve listened to the podcast, too, but it’s a treat to read […]
Filed Under: Magazine Reviews Tagged With: author interviews, fantasy art, Fantasy Magazine, John Joseph Adams, podcast, science fiction magazine, Short Stories