by Catherine Cheek ErRatic, by N.D. Hansen-Hill is a quirky and unique paranormal horror novel. Unlike dark urban fantasies, where the magic has rules that everyone understands, the unusual happenings in this novel astound and confuse and occasionally terrify the characters. Emma Rathburn summons rats, not intentionally, but every once in a while thousands of […]
The Year of Disappearances
by Catherine Cheek ‘The Year of Disappearances’ by Susan Hubbard, treats the story of a vampire growing up among mortals with the same delicacy as you’d expect from an author talking about someone who had cancer, or was a political refugee, or had some other hardship thrust upon her. The main character, Ariella Montero, is […]
City at the End of Time, by Greg Bear
We take a close look at Greg Bear’s City at the End of Time.
Sly Mongoose, by Tobias Buckell
Like Ragamuffin, Mongoose can be read independently from its predecessors, and Buckell infuses the milieu of his universe into the story without overshadowing the issues at hand.
Dead Reign, by T.A. Pratt
As Chief Sorceress of Felport, Marla has been a Protector the entire series, but her methods have always been to use magic as a brute force weapon.
Classic Reviews from Sam Wynns
Sam looks at books from Marianne de Pierres, Avi, Preston and Child, and Lynn Flewelling.
Broken Angels, by Richard K. Morgan
Broken Angels stands on it’s own as a novel, but some of my favorite paragraphs are dense non-spoiler flashbacks that will leave you aching to read Altered Carbon.