AISFP 193 – Saul Garnell and David Bischoff, Part 2

Star Hounds, the classic space adventure series in print once again after more than 25 years. And for the first time, all three original novels in one single omnibus, plus a new forth book that continues the adventure into the new millennium! This collection includes THE INFINITE BATTLE, GALACTIC WARRIORS, THE MACROCOSMIC CONFLICT and THE […]

AISFP 192 – Saul Garnell and David Bischoff, Part 1

The men behind Hotspur Publishing, David Bischoff and Saul Garnell, discuss book deals in Irish Pubs, what they have learned since founding Hotspur, Voodoo Robot Chili, and much more.

AISFP 191 – BN Downsizing, Dragoncon Controversy, and the Society of Idiots

Shaun and Moses discuss Barnes and Noble downsizing, boycotts of DragonCon, and a David Brin essay on the society of idiots.

AISFP 190 – James Enge, Part 2

James Enge joins us to discuss his signature character, Morlock Ambrosius, epic magic systems, sword and scorcery, the borderland between matter and soul, WRATH BEARING TREE, J.R.R. Tolkien’s use of theology rather than religion, why his dragons horde wealth and much more.

AISFP 189 – James Enge, Part 1

James Enge joins us to discuss Jack Vance, writing political fiction without pushing political agendas, how his University colleagues view his novels, writing “Philosophical romance shot through with elements of horror and morbidity,” the potentially negative impact of higher education on imagination, writing for popular appeal and much more.

AISFP 188 – Eric Griffith, Part 2

Eric Griffith, author of Beta Test and Kali and feateres ditor at, discusses publishing, the value of writing conferences, in particular Viable Paradise, guilt inducing science fiction conventions and writing short fiction.

AISFP 187 – Eric Griffith, Part 1

Brent sat down with Eric Griffith, author of the novels BETA TEST and KALI and features editor at PCMags, to discuss downsizing the human race, among other topics: super-hero ghost girls, alien gaming platforms, being prolific and more.

AISFP 186 – John Anealio

John Anealio, science fiction musician and co-host of the Functional Nerds, joins Moses to discuss his work, podcasting, following his muse, feverishly moisturizing, Sam Sykes, and Laser Zombie Robot Love.

AISFP 185 – Kelley Armstrong

New York Times Bestselling author Kelley Armstrong joins us to discuss her work, handling emails from young readers, violence vs. sex in novels and writing your passion.

AISFP 184 – The Bright Light of New Possibilities

Moses, Sandra and Shaun discuss what they’ve been up to, our goals for 2013, recently received books, helping Jay Lake, Moses’s new podcast and more.