
Review Requests

You can email adventuresinscifipublishing[at]gmail[dot com] with a synopsis/press release and available ebook formats. I will forward it to my review team, but cannot guarantee a review. I can provide my address if you’d like to mail me books.

* I receive a lot of review requests. To make it easier for me and my team, please direct your inquiry to our Goodreads group. I’ve set up a Review Request folder. Start a new topic in the appropriate genre and follow the instructions given. This will save me forwarding a heapload of emails to my team and will expose your book to our Goodreads group. Win win!

(Note, you can still email us, but I can’t promise I’ll forward every email. I understand if you don’t want your request to be public.)

Join the Team

If you would like to join our team, either as book reviewer, interviewer, blogger or even to help with the podcast, feel free to email us. It is an unpaid position, but we can provide free books and brand exposure.

Guest Spots

Maybe you’d like to submit a blog post or review without the formality of joining our team. We’re open to that. Email us!

Interview Requests and Sponsorships

I prefer inviting people onto the show because turning people down because I’m either booked or not interested makes me feel bad. Podcast editing takes a lot of time, so limited space is available. One way to *almost ensure getting on the show is to purchase a sponsorship, which has a perk of hosting an interview with the purchase of five episodes.

*We want our sponsors to fit the Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror theme of the show. If your product doesn’t fit, we’ll turn down the sponsor opportunity.

SF Book Releases This Week

We are excited to introduce this weekly series of posts. Every Tuesday I list “all” the books in SF/F/and Horror that release that week. This info is not easy to find, especially for indie authors, so feel free to email us at the above address if your book is nearing its release date.