AISFP 113 – Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Howard Tayler (Writing Excuses)

In which we say to the guys from Writing Excuses: “Writer, pimp thyself.” But seriously folks, find out how Writing Excuses began and many other things you didn’t know about Brandon, Dan, and Howard. Hear Dan talk about his tremendous popularity in Germany with I am not a Serial Killer, Howard talk about his success with his webcomic Schlock Mercenary, and Brandon talk about his journey with The Way of Kings.

Warning: Pants not included.

Show Notes:

  • Rusty writes with feedback on an independently published ebook he purchased after he heard the author discussed on this podcast. A conversation about quality and the role of editors and publishers to ensure quality ensues.
  • We discuss some of the important lessons we have learned from Writing Excuses.
  • Peter is digging into our backlog! Which begs the question, which episode is your favorite, Peter?
  • John tells us about a new ebook store founded by Gavin Grant of Small Beer Press and Michael J. Deluca.

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  1. Great as usual. I am also jealous of Moses’ ability to sneak into panels, interviews, and lunches with these masters of writing with such ease. I’m sure Moses will be considered one of such masters soon. Thank you guys for making my workday better.

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Thank you, Charlie!

  3. My surname is misspelled in the front-page blurb for this ‘cast.


  4. Shaun Farrell says

    Noted and corrected, Howard. Thanks.

  5. I’m listening to this podcast now and wanted to comment on the discussion you guys had about the quality of digital works. A couple of weeks ago, the Twitterverse exploded with an author going ballistic on a negative (in her opinion) book review of her work and accused the reviewer of not downloading the latest copy of her work. The review itself said the book was so-so, and that if it wasn’t for the editing errors and poor choice of grammar, it might have made for a decent read. Just wondering if review bloggers can be considered then as another part of standards in the publishing community.

    (If it had been me, I probably would’ve learned from the review and do my best to find an editor to address those issues instead of blowing up in the comments like the author did. That, while entertaining, was also cringeworthy and certainly led to a loss of credibility.)


  1. […] also interviewed Brandon, Howard, and Dan from Writing Excuses at the recent conference, as well as Sherrilyn Kenyon (that interview will be up any day now at […]

  2. […] last few months for the Adventures In Sci Fi Publishing podcast (where I’m also a co-host): Brandon Sanderson, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and, now, Patrick […]

  3. […] Rothfuss, Guy Gavriel Kay, Brandon Sanderson/Dan Wells/Howard Tayler (Writing Excuses), Tracy Hickman, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Michael A. Stackpole, David Farland/Dave Wolverton, Kristine […]

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