Special Edition – John Ringo

In this third special edition of AISFP, prolific author John Ringo interacts with fans at Mysterious Galaxy bookstore. He touches on a variety of topics. To purchase a signed copy of John’s newest novel, Unto the Breach, click on the book cover below.

And don’t forget to preorder John’s forthcoming 2007 titles. It’s a Ringo feast!!

If you would like to read my short story published in Issue 13 of Ray Gun Revival, click here.

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  1. Where is the link to the Ringo Interview

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Good catch, John. Problem solved!

  3. I really enjoyed the Ringo interview. I have to catch up on more of your podcasts after I finish this midterm. šŸ™‚

  4. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks, Mark. Well, there are plenty of episodes ahead for you!

  5. Goodness. I wanted to link to the interview for a blog posting about another Ringo habit (writing in the cold). Isn’t it time for another Ringo show? Maybe you could get Ringo, Weber, Taylor, Kratman, Williamson and Flint in one room. That would be…intense!

  6. Shaun Farrell says

    Yes it would. I’d need armor.

  7. > Iā€™d need armor.

    POWER Armor,I think!

    Glad I found this to listen to. Worth it especially for the wonderful rant at the end.

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