AISFP 10 – Andrew Wheeler of the SFBC

Hi everyone, and welcome to the tenth episode of Adventures in Scifi Publishing. This show features an interview with Senior Editor Andrew Wheeler of the Science Fiction Book Club, and we talk nothing but publishing goodness!

Show Notes:
– Because of time constraints, the “news” segment is getting cut to once per month, if that. We’ll see how it goes. As I announced in the last episode, I’m recorded Paul Levinson’s The Silk Code into a podcast buy gabapentin india novel. So between that and this, I’m doing 4 podcasts a week. You can stay appraised of my progress with the novel over at The Silk Code blog.
The Science Fiction Book Club – Great books at great prices! Seriously, it’s worth joining just to get the anthologies.
– The blog page for the SFBC. The best source I’ve found for book release updates, interview links, reviews, and more. Great job, Andrew!

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  1. Very interesting episod as always. a science fiction book club is yet another thing that we are missing in France!
    Anyway, hey for The Silk Code starting on saturday! hope Podiobooks will be quick in releasing it, that’s how much eager I am to hear it!

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Hi Roxane.

    Thanks for dropping by. The SFBC isn’t international, I suppose. Have you dropped by their website to check it out? And, yes, The Silk Code will be out soon, though probably at least 10 days from now. Make sure you tell all your scifi friends in France about it!! Oh, and time permitting, I’ll get some of your great email into the next episode.

  3. I’ll make sure I talk about it around me, the thing is, in real life, I feel pretty lonely whenever I start talking scifi… basically, I’m the weirdo who watches Star Trek and likes to read books with funny covers lol! I will try to get them to listen to it, though I’m kinda facing a double challenge… I need to find people who are both interested in scifi and speak English!

    and I remember my email being more confused than great but hey *shrugs*

  4. Shaun Farrell says

    We’ll see how weird they think you are in 10-20 years when people are walking around with computers in their brains! And thanks for trying to spread the word. That email WAS great! I understood you completely!

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