AISFP 20 – Kay Kenyon

In this episode Kay Kenyon discusses her new novel, Bright of the Sky. She also addresses the problems with science fiction and wonders if science fiction authors are responsible for SF’s decrease in sales over the years.

Well, I made a blunder with this episode. When Sam and I recorded the opening and closing segments, we focused on a theme of podcasting. In particular, we discussed Howard Hendrix’s comments by acknowledging the good points he actually made. However, those segments were not appropriate as companion pieces to Kay’s interview, which is why this episode is a little shorter than usual.

I really wanted to get this interview out this week because it’s too good to sit on. If you haven’t read Bright of the Sky yet, then click on the link above or go to your local bookstore. If you like insightful, exciting scifi, you won’t regret it.

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  1. Anonymous says

    Hi Kay Kenyon my stepson just found your sight sent it to me as my name is Evelyn Kay (Kenyon) Maiden last now Mitchell. I go by Kay & sign paintings Kay Kenyon. I guess I’ve been using my name longer than you as I am 72 years young. Will buy one of your books to see how I like SF. I read a lot of different authors. Bye for now, Kay Kenyon Michell.nOT aNNONYMOUS


  1. […] Bright of the Sky (The Entire and the Rose) by Kay Kenyon – I’ve been wanting to read this since I heard her interview on AISFP. […]

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