AISFP 22 – Vicki Pettersson and Lou Anders

Welcome to episode 22 of the podcast. In this show we have Vicki Petteron, author of The Scent of Shadows and The Taste of Night. And then Lou Anders, Editorial Director of Pyr Books, kicks off a new segment.

Show Notes:
-Publishing News: We give you the winners of the Nebula Awards, just in case you missed them. Congrats to all the authors!
-Interview with Vicki Pettersson. She discusses the long process of getting published, going on tour with Kim Harrison and her six book series. Thanks for the wonderful interview, Vicki!
Lou Anders of Pyr Books kicks off a new segment called From the Editor’s Desk. He addresses Howard Hendrix’s “webscabs” comments, and he gives us his opinion regarding free content and podcasting.
-We get our first voicemail on the new voicemail line. Thanks very much, Kory. We’re going to send a free book your way to say thanks.

That’s it for this show. If you like what you hear, please tell a friends and write us a review in iTunes. We’ll be back soon with the Mysterious Galaxy birthday extravaganza, which features 6 exciting author events.

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Kilroy 2.0 calls forth his minions. Do you comply?

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  1. Blue Tyson says

    My gender is not obvious? That is a surprise.


  2. Shaun Farrell says

    I knew that would get me in trouble! But I was finally smart enough to look at your blog, so now I know.

  3. Blue Tyson says

    No, it was just a funny surprise. 🙂

  4. Shaun is full of funny surprises.

    … That came out wrong.

  5. Blue Tyson says


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