An extra long special show this week featuring author events from Mysterious Galaxy’s 14th birthday party. Authors featured in this episode include Jan Burke, Randy Hicks, Jeff Mariotte, Susan Hubbard, Charlaine Harris, A. Lee Martinez and Marshall Karp.
These titles available through Mysterious Galaxy. Just click on the covers.
Show Notes:
– Jan Burke and Randy Hicks fill in for Elaine Viets, who is recovering from a stroke. Rest up, Elaine! We look forward to seeing you next time. Jan tells the story of how she first met Elaine, and Randy talks about his first book signing as a professional author.
– Jeff Mariotte promises cake, then he delves into the inspiration for his newest book, Missing White Girl. This book comes with the Adventures in Scifi Publishing guarantee. Check this one out folks!
– Susan Hubbard reads from The Society of S. I love it when authors refine their work so they don’t need “to be” verbs. I would expect nothing less from a creative writing professor. This book comes highly recommended by Sam, as well.
– Charlaine Harris talks about being on the set of True Blood. Then she takes audience questions. I think you’ll be able to catch most of this from context. The microphone didn’t pick up the questions well enough to include, unfortunately.
– Robert J. Sawyer gives you a breather with station identification.
– A. Lee Martinez talks with fans. This guy is a riot. If you want something fun and slightly twisted, his books are for you.
– Promo for Light on Light Through by my good buddy Paul Levinson.
– Marshall Karp discusses blood suckers and flesh eaters, AKA: Hollywood! He then reads a short section from his new book. This is fun stuff, folks.
Audience Interaction: What got you hooked on science fiction and fantasy? My favorite answer: My friend and I went to the library during recess and discovered Anne McCafferty.
Promo: The Silk Code
Kilroy 2.0 impersonates J.C. Hutchins.
Promo: The Failed Cities Monologues
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:30:38 — 62.3MB)
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