AISFP 23 – Scott Sigler

Scott Sigler is our guest for episode 23, but before I get to the show notes, a quick update on me (this is Shaun talking). Our baby was born and is doing quite well. I won’t bore all of you with details, but thanks to those who have sent me encouraging emails and notes of congratulations. The show is going to take a brief recess while I adjust, and I hope to be back within three weeks. I have 4 interviews lined up, I’ll be going to Comic-Con and a local San Diego Con, and I’ve been invited to cover a very special event. More about that later.

Show Notes:
– Publishing News: The Science Fiction Book Club is being restructured. Here’s the latest. And here is the original post from Jonathan Strahan’s blog.
Scott Sigler talks with Shaun about his new publishing deal with Crown. Will he continue podcasting, and can he usher forth a paradigm shift in the publishing business model?
– Wrapping things up, Shaun and Sam discuss Scott’s plan to changing publishing. Can his ideas blend with publishing’s current practices? Send us a voicemail and let us know what you think.

See you in coming weeks with many more shows. Thank you for you patience while Shaun adjusts to his new baby boy.

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Promo: Ancestor

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  1. Kendall says

    “The Science Fiction book is being restructured” — I think you mean “The Science Fiction Book Club“….

    Love your show!

  2. Pamela Milkweed says

    Congrats on the new baby Shaun! I wonder how you find time to do all the things that you do.

  3. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks Kendall. Typo fixed!

    I wonder the same thing, Pamela. Something is going to give, I’m just not sure what yet.

  4. Shaun, Sam, great episode, enjoyed Scott’s take on the publishing industry and his own road to success…and enjoyed Sam’s porta-pottie mouth.

    Shaun, congrats on the baby. My baby is 6 ft 1 and eats everything…


  5. Shaun Farrell says

    Hi Larry. We’re still at 20 inches over here. 6 foot is a long way off!

  6. Scott M. Sandridge says

    Heard about the baby on Paul Levinsons’ podcast. Congratulations, Shaun!

  7. Anonymous says

    Editors do serve a purpose – but how come I see less and less evidence of actual editing going on.
    Spellcheck is not an editor!

  8. HI

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