AISFP 30 – Jacqueline Carey

Thanks for being patient, folks. Here is episode 30, featuring New York Times bestselling author, Jacqueline Carey.

Show Notes:
– We are back! Sam I talk Harry Potter. Book 7 sold 11 million copies in its first day. What else did it accomplish, and why do people love it so much?
– Bestselling author Jacqueline Carey talks about her books, POD, and the future of publishing.
– Ask a Writer: How did Toby create the universe of Crystal Rain?
– Our new publication schedule will cut us down to 2 shows per month. We will also do our best to post a monthly Bonus Cast (name to be determined). If you enjoy the show, please tell a friend and write us a review in iTunes.

See you next time with Jon Armstrong, author of Grey.

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  1. hey, sorry it took so long….thanks to you and toby for putting my question out!

  2. Blue Tyson says

    Shaun, I’m with you, you are not alone. 🙂

    Never reading Harry Potter either, for the long, don’t care, can see the movie reason (and those are generally fine, except the fourth crappy one).

    I also started the first one and thought her writing was terrible, and didn’t need to persevere with clunky kids books. So three reasons to avoid: bloated, for kids, not that good.

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