AISFP 37 – Tim Pratt

Episode 37 features an interview with Hugo Award winning author Tim Pratt. His new novel, Blood Engines, has just been released under T.A. Pratt.

Show Notes:
– Publishing News: Sam saw J.K. Rowling at an exclusive event. Also, Sam gives us a book plug on a new novel that is scary as hell. Finally, Conjecture thoughts about being on panels with Vernor Vinge, Larry Niven, Howard V. Hendrix, Tim Pratt, and Greg Van Eekhout.
– Interview with Tim Pratt. We discuss San Francisco, supernatural fiction, small press, the Hugo awards, Locus Magazine, and more.

– Listener Feedback: were we hypocrites in our comments about Romance? Shaun and Sam eat crow and clarify. After 12 months of continuous production, AISFP is going to take a break. We have 2 more episodes to go, then we’ll take a winter vacation. But fear not, we’ll return in the near future bigger and better than ever with more great guest and some new segments.

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  1. terribly sorry, but the guy this week and his concept sounds like hundreds of other series right now.

    this subfield is getting very crowded.

    If i hear another author talk about his modern ‘wizard/vampire/whatever’ solving crimes and being ‘naughty’ i will vomit.

    he could be the best writer in the world and i will never read his writing because its so derivative and nothing stands out as original.

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    The market is certainly being flooded with dark/urban fantasy/paranormal romance, Raul. If his T.A. Pratt stuff doesn’t interest you, check out some of his Tim Pratt work. I’ve read several of his short stories and enjoyed all of them. He is a really good writer.

  3. Pamela Milkweed says

    I read Tim Pratt’s Hugo winning story “Impossible Dreams” and thought it was pretty great (Listened to it on escapePod, actually). Especially if you’re a film fan.

    Shaun Farrell is the hardest working man in SF! He makes Robert J. Sawyer look like a wimp! I’m guessing his vacation will be a short one.

  4. Shaun Farrell says

    Pamela, you’re cracking me up! I appreciate the support more than you know. 🙂

  5. Christopher Scott Owens says

    Shaun & Sam:

    I just discovered the whole world of Podcasting with your WOTF nanocast–and it got my hooked. I love your show.

    Come back as soon as you can!

    Happy reading!

  6. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks, Chris. We’ll be back better than ever quite soon. And we still have 2 episodes to go before the break.

  7. Greg van Eekhout says

    Hi, Shaun. I cracked up listening to you worrying over the pronunciation of my name. Even I don’t pronounce it correctly!

  8. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks for humoring me, Greg. I had a feeling you might give that episode a listen since you’re buddies with Tim. I’m terrible at pronouncing names, places, pretty much anything properly.

  9. Greg van Eekhout says

    Actually, I just subscribed to the podcast. Looks like I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Really enjoyed the Dan Simmons episode!

  10. Shaun Farrell says

    Excellent! Well, you have some time to catch up before season 2 starts. 🙂

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