AISFP 38 – David Farland and Brandon Sanderson

David Farland and Brandon Sanderson join us to discuss their new books, the problem of losing readers during college, and fantasy films in Hollywood. We also announce the winners of The Metatemporal Detective giveaway contest.

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Show Notes:
– Sam and I both escaped the San Diego fires unscathed, but many more didn’t.
– The Metatemporal Detective giveaway winners! Congrats to Josh R, Larry K, and Eric G. Here is a list of those who entered via their buy gabapentin for dogs online uk blogs, and thanks to everyone who entered through email.
Blue of Superprose
Steve of Storybones
Ariel fo UKSF Booknews
Scott of Fantasy Library
Josh of Nothing For All
Larry of Dusk Before the Dawn
Samuel from Dromed
Grant of Disco Robot

– Special skit, Skiffy Turrets, courtesy of Slice of SciFi

– Interview with Brandon Sanderson and David Farland
– More from David and Brandon. This time we present a portion of their talk with fans at Mysterious Galaxy.

That’s it for this episode. We’ll see you next time with Howard V. Hendrix.

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  1. Blue Tyson says

    I have seen Locus here in a shop occasionally, it costs more than a novel, so not worth buying when I look at it like that.

    The online indexes etc. are cool, no doubt, as far as bibliography etc., goes.

    CDs of those get sold I think, but not the mag?

    So speaking of appealing to the young, still stuck in the old-fashioned model for the magazine part of it.

  2. Christopher Scott Owens says


    It’s good to hear that you got through the fires unscathed.

    Thanks again for another great episode. I’m a big fan of the first Runelord series, and I loved Elantris–so this really hit the spot.

  3. shaun and Sam,

    i havent heard the episode yet, but i wanted to say i was thinking of both of you these past few days and wondering.

    take care and my prayers are with you all out there.

  4. Shaun Farrell says

    I look at Locus as a great investment. Not only do they help me decide what books are worth reading, but I’ve learned a great deal about the genre and about publishing thanks to them. I also love the critical pieces they have about writers. The recent articles about Robert Heinlien and Ray Bradbury were outstanding.

  5. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks Christopher and Raul. I appreciate the well wishes about our safety. The fires have moved far east, but they’ll continue to burn into next week.

  6. Steve Buchheit says

    Yeah Josh, Larry, and Eric. Congrats on winning.

    Also glad Shaun and Sam made it through the fires.

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