AISFP 40 – Kevin J. Anderson and Sean Williams

Season 2 of Adventures in Scifi Publishing starts right now! We have a great line up for January and February, and episode 40 kicks it off with guests Kevin J. Anderson and Sean Williams. This is a double feature episode, so it’s twice as long as the usual show.

Show Notes:
– We are very excited to be back, and welcome all new listeners who discovered the show during our hiatus.
– Publishing News:
1. Wizards of the Coast, famous for their Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance books, are releasing a new line of books called Discoveries. They will publish hard to define books of science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
2. Brandon Sanderson will complete Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. Press Release
3. News about Terry Pratchett.

– Interview with Kevin J. Anderson

– Shaun and Sam discuss ideas for new segments: book reviews, convention reports, and magazine spotlight. Do you have an idea for a new segment? We’d love to hear it!

– Interview with Sean Williams, part 1
– Sean Williams, part 2.

We wrap up with 4 listener emails. Thanks for keeping in touch during the break, folks. Now that we’re back, please flood us with your comments and voicemail. We’d love to hear what you think of this show and the upcoming season. We’ll be back in two weeks with Terry Goodkind.

Promo: The SciPhi Show
Promo: Playing for Keeps, by Mur Lafferty
Promo: Far Point Media
Promo: The Babylon Podcast. Deep Geeking rocks.

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  1. Glad to see you all back! I’ll listen to this shortly. Thanks for a great first season. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks, SMD. You got some great looking blogs. Cool stuff!

  3. I’m so glad that you guys are back! I’ve missed both of you and the show. Having this little break really made me realize how much I enjoyed your show! I’ll be listening to this new ep shortly!

  4. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks, Roxane!

  5. I am also glad you’re back. I really missed your great commentary and interviews. Best of luck with the new season. This is the best sci fi publishing blog/ podcast around.

  6. It’s good to be missed–You guys are the bestest!

  7. Blue Tyson says

    Sean Williams, nice work. He also has a ‘best of’ type collection just out, recently too.

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