AISFP 42 – John Zakour and Brandon Sanderson

In this week’s show John Zakour shares his wit and humor, and Brandon Sanderson explains the details behind the final Wheel of Time novel.

Show Notes
– Just the interviews today, folks. I started a new job and a play, but I thought it would be better to give you these great interviews than wait for time to free up in my schedule so I could buy gabapentin record with Sam.
– Interview with John Zakour. This guy is a blast!
– Interview with Brandon Sanderson.

That’s it for this show. Give us a call or drop us a line. We’d love to hear what you think. And if you enjoy the show, please tell a friend and consider a donation.

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  1. Thank for the interview it was fun thinking back to the old days when I just starting out. (Much of it is a blur, I just remember the highlights: the call from Schultz, getting permission to fax gags to the Tonight Show, the interview with Letterman — which I so bombed)

    I did end up 2nd on Zuda.

    John Z

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    It was my pleasure, John. See you at Comic-Con!

  3. Hey guys, I listen to your podcast while I work and it’s so great to hear different authors’ thoughts on writing, why they write, and why it matters. You and Sam are really entertaining and the interviews are awesome.

    The podcast always recharges me creatively, which is about the biggest compliment I can give!

    Any chance you might be able to get James Alan Gardner for an interview? He’s my absolute favorite, does great (but low-radar) scifi books.

  4. Shaun Farrell says

    Hi, Emma. Thanks for a great compliment. That means a lot coming from a creative professional like yourself. There are so many authors we hope to have on the show, and so few spots available. Hopefully we’ll get some of your favorites in time.

  5. brandon is a good choice to follow jordan.

    both his own work and personality suits as successor writer.

    I want the fans to have their story well-done after the long wait. I think they will.

  6. Shaun Farrell says

    I think the fans are going to get what they deserve with Brandon. He’s top notch.


  1. […] on his website. I’ll be seeing him at Vroman’s on November 17th. Full Tour schedule. AISFP interview that first put Sanderson on my […]

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