AISFP 47 – Robert Buettner

Robert Buettner, author of Orphan’s Journey, joins us to discuss military life, how hard it is to get published, and the importance of heroes in literature.

Show Notes

– This episode is brought to you by The Horsemistress Saga, by Toby Bishop, and by Bright of the Sky, by Kay Kenyon

Book contest! To win hardcover editions of Bright of the Sky and A World Too Near, email us with “Keyon Contest” in the subject line, or identify the song and artist that played on my cell phone during episode 46. These are great books, so don’t miss your chance to own them for free. Only open to residents of North America.

Publishing News: Borders is in crisis. Will Barnes and Noble buy them out, and why are they in such trouble anyway? Shaun and Sam pontificate. . . and rant.

Interview with Robert Buettner.

Feedback: We have our first listener from India, and some music recommendations for James Newton Howard, composer of I Am Legend, Batman Begins, King Kong, The Village, Michael Clayton, and countless other films.

Thanks for listening. This is your podcast, folks. We do this for you, and we want your feedback and help in spreading the word. Please tell a friend, give it to someone on cd, write us a review, and keep on reading great SF.

Promo: The Horsemistress Saga
Promo: Bright of the Sky

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  1. Indiana Jim says

    The Cell Phone ringtone is Collective Soul’s December. I remember thinking I found yet ANOTHER thing Shaun and I have in common. Nobody seems to listen to Collective Soul anymore. Or Bryan Adams, for that matter.

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Congrats, Jim! The books will be there in a few weeks once the contest is complete, and I’ll get your address at that time.

    But, hey, Collective Soul is live and well. I just saw them at the House of Blues, and the place was packed! They have their own label now, so they aren’t allowed to report their figures to the Billboard Charts, but if they could, their latest album would have debuted number 18, and that is with the album only being available in Target! Pretty impressive. Check out for tour dates. If you haven’t seen them live, then you haven’t heard Collective Soul!

  3. Steve H. says

    Collective Soul. Righteous. Admittedly, I listened to that part of the cast a couple times but just couldn’t hear it well enough. I haven’t gotten to see them live, though.

  4. John W. Oliver says

    Hahahaha! Of course, I didn’t think you were talking about me.

  5. Shaun Farrell says

    Good! I’ve met some great book lovers at BN, and you are one of them. Keep up the great work, man. What you do makes a difference, and the future of reading depends on good folks like yourself.

  6. Not trying to stir up an economic discussion, but I’ve read a lot of articles that suggest that there’s division between economists on how to judge a recession. Some use the GDP alone while some look at a variety of sources. This article states that many economics rely on the NBER‘s Business Cycle Dating Committee. This is from their site. The article says that though they consider the GDP to be the best indicator, because those figures are only available quarterly, “the committee refers to a variety of monthly indicators to determine the months of peaks and troughs”. Since peaks and troughs are the points of recession and expansion in their judgment, this seems to suggest that there are different respected methods to determine a recession.

  7. Steve H. says

    I don’t know about the hardcore definitions of recession and whatnot but there is one thing I do know.

    My economy is in a state of serious SUCK.

  8. Shaun Farrell says

    G.S. – Your comment appeard to be spam. If you’re a real person, please email me. Thanks.

  9. Good point, Lola. Shaun and I actually got into an argu …er… heated discussion about what a recession is and if we’re in one. So, yeah, definitely debatable. I just know on my end that lots of folks I know are really hurting right now. Or, in the poetic words of Steve, their finances are in a “state of serious suck”.


  1. […] Former military intelligence officer turned military-sf writer Robert Buettner is the subject of the 47th Adventures in SciFi Publishing podcast. […]

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