AISFP 49 – David Keck, Lou Anders, and Tobias Buckell

David Keck joins us to discuss his new fantasy novel, In a Time of Treason. Then Lou Anders of Pyr Books anaylzes the short fiction market, and Tobias Buckell answers a listener’s question about writing.

AUDIBLE SPECIAL – Click here to learn more about Audible’s new science fiction and fantasy line, Audible Frontiers.

Show Notes:
– Publishing News – Audible Frontiers will bring you both classic and new titles of science fiction and fantasy. The kind folks at Audible have provided us with a short sample of Starship: Mutiny by Mike Resnick.

Interview: David Keck

– From the Editor’s Desk, with Lou Anders. Is short fiction dead?
– Ask a Writer with Tobias Buckell. How do you start writing after a long break?

The episodes will be a little short during the month of May as Shaun performs in a play. But we’ll keep the content coming!

Promo: Sideways in Crime
Promo: The Horsemistress Saga
Promo: Bright of the Sky

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  1. Wow, I’m glad you interviewed David Keck! I’m going to have to find his books – it’s hard to find ‘historical fantasy’ where the WORLD is made up, but treated seriously as history.

    Thanks for turning me onto him! Keep up the awesome work with the podcast!

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