AISFP 53 – Marie Brennan and Patrice Sarath

In this episode Marie Brennan joins us to discuss her new novel, Midnight Never Come, published by Orbit, and Patrice Sarath emerges Out of the Slush to talk about her first book deal for her novel, Gordath Wood.

Show Notes:

Sam is back! She tells us about her adventures at Book Expo America, and, yes, I am green with envy that I could not attend. Maybe next year. We also reveal the Keys to Publishing Contest, which will run on both this podcast and on I Should be Writing. Professional writers like Tobias Buckell, Jay Lake, David Louise Edelman, Kay Kenyon and more will be sharing the vital truths you need to know to make it as a professional writer. Listen throughout the summer, write down the titles of each key, and you could win prize packs from Tor Books and Pyr SF. Mur and I are thrilled about this contest, and we look forward to some listeners getting some really cool free books.

Interview: Marie Brennan discuss Midnight Never Come, role playing games, studying fandom at a University, traveling to London, Shakespeare, politics, and more.

Out of the Slush: Patrice Sarath talks about her first book deal with Ace and the process it took her to get there.

Feedback: Christian talks about Borders and BN; Barry wants more depth from Out of the Slush; Bryan loves the show, but wishes there were more of them.

We’ll be back next time with our first Clarion episode featuring Kelly Link. We will have weekly episodes for the rest of Season 2, so get ready for some great stuff with great authors.

Promo: Sideways in Crime
Promo: The Future and You

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  1. MentatJack says

    Great show! I’ll be enjoying a time shifted dollop of BEA joy this weekend. A friend returned from BEA with too many books and is throwing a party to spread them around. The more I hear about Midnight Never Come, the more I want to read it. I’ll definitely be watching Patrice Sarath as the mix of genres in her first book sounds like something I could dig. Great to have Sam back.

  2. Pamela Milkweed says

    Another great show! The Book Expo actually has its own podcast, called the “BookExpoCast.”


  1. […] What I listened to during the run:  Phedippidations #156 (”Cheers from a Little Blue Bubble,” the annual episode of cheers and shouts of encouragement to World Wide Half participants); I Should Be Writing #102, and Adventures in SciFi Publishing #53. […]

  2. […] June: Midnight Never Come by Marie Brennan — This is the one that I have my eye on, ever since the AISFP interview […]

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