AISFP 62 – Sean Williams

Sean Williams, author of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, discusses his latest projects and speaks with the winners of the Writers of the Future contest.

Show Notes:

Sam I open this show up with a discussion about how well (or how badly) publishers market books. Can they do more? Can they generate consistent excitement the way Hollywood does for film and television?

Sean Williams won the Writers of the Future in 1991. Since then, he has published nearly 30 novels, including four New York Times bestsellers. In this episode, he talks with the current winners of the WoTF and shares with them the wisdom of his experience. Then Sean and I sit down to discuss Star Wars, his Ph.D. studies, and why his YA fantasy novels can’t find a home in the U.S.

Listener email: Samuel writes to say that after order neurontin online hearing us discuss Kay Kenyon’s work, and with Pyr donating Kay’s titles, he purchased Bright of the Sky and is loving it.

Listener email: In regards to our discussion about Locus being a semi-pro magazine in EP 59, Jonathan points out that pay rates probably have something to do with Locus’ classification. Does Locus pay professional rates? I don’t know. My understand is that most of the writing is done by people on staff. Perhaps Tim Pratt can clarify this for us.

Listener email: Mark P. Morehead tells us that AISFP has inspired him to write more, and he made a sale! Check out The Drabblecast, EP 78. Way to go, Mark!

That’s it for this episode. We’ll see you next time with the winners of The Writers and Illustrators of the Future.

Promo: Staked
Link: The Living Dead Anthology
Link: Catharine Cheek
Link: Locus Magazine

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  1. The news, obits, analysis, listings, etc. are done by Locus staff. But all our reviewers, and anyone who isn’t on staff who contributes solicited articles (with some exceptions, like appreciations for people who’ve died) get paid professional rates, yes.

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Excellent, Tim. Thanks!

  3. Hey Shaun,

    Just after sending you an email, I got this link from a friend. The article is *very* interesting:

  4. Shaun Farrell says

    This is very interesting.


  1. […] The other is with TFU author Sean Williams on the Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing Podcast, which can be heard here. […]

  2. […] Sean Williams giving a remarkable talk to new winners. This entry was posted in Contest, Uncategorized. […]

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