AISFP 66 – Elizabeth Bear and Tobias Buckell

Elizabeth Bear joins us to discuss All the Windwracked Stars, pulp TV, Spock’s Brain, breaking into print, writing groups, and much more.

Show Notes:

Sam is back! She and I congratulate Brandon Sanderon on making The New York Times bestseller list. Way to go, Brandon! We also discuss a resolved lawsuit involving Google Books.

Elizabeth Bear, the author who turns steel into peanut brittle, joins us for a wonderful romp through her new novel. We discuss a variety of topics, and I particularly enjoy hearing how her hard where to buy gabapentin 100mg work and dedication helped her achieve her writing goals. Food for the inspiration machine for aspiring writers.

Tobias Buckelljoins us to discuss how much marketing new authors receive from publishers, and LaShawn weighs in on that topic via listener email. Sam and I discuss recent books we have read, including The Steel Remains by Richard Morgan, and The FairTax Book, by Neal Boortz and John Linder.

We’ll see you next time with Tobias Buckell.

Promo: The Dead Robot’s Society
Promo: Bones Burnt Black, by Stephen Euin Cobb

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  1. On the marketing category thing – ‘Science Fantasy’ used to be a major category, so interesting that now a new science fantasy can’t easily be slotted.

  2. I’m with Sam, too, Richard Morgan is awesome.

  3. You have good taste, Blue, if I do say so myself 😉

  4. Sam is back! Thank goodness! (Sorry, Shaun…)

  5. Not sure what happened to Shaun’s comment here (which was pretty funny), but I kind of think you two remind me of some of the character’s at the webcomic “Questionable Content”. Sam is Faye to Shaun’s rendition of Marten. And as Faye of QC is the complete essence of femalehood, it is hard for your to compete, Shaun.

    Nothing person, it’s just hard to shine next to a force of nature.

  6. I’m not so about the “essence of femalehood.” 🙂

    For me, the episodes with Sam are more enjoyable because the whole show is a conversation, either with Shaun and Sam or Shaun and guest. This is different from other podcasts I listen to which are mainly the host, singular, talking and then maybe an interview. An example is ISBW. I like Mur’s show, but I think shows need something that makes them different. And I think the conversational aspect is part of what makes AISFP unique.

    Long way of saying “Yay, Sam’s back!”


  1. […] answer a question over at Adventures in Sci Fi Publishing about marketing and new writers. Share and Enjoy:These […]

  2. […] about 10 minutes before I finished my run.  Since my last post, I’ve also listened to:  Adventures in SciFi Publishing #66 (Elizabeth Bear and Tobias Buckell) and #67 (Tobias Buckell — I’m going to have to read something by Tobias Buckell soon, […]

  3. […] speaking of podcasts, Adventures in SciFi Publishing has a good interview with Elizabeth Bear. Just from the sound of her laughter along, I would love to just hang out with her. The email they […]

  4. […] Elizabeth Bear (@matociquala on Twitter). Whether it’s her rejection slip count, her WTF jacket (a career aspiration of mine to have my own and don wherever I please) or the way she goes about research, she’s an inspiration. Check out Bear’s interview on Adventure in Scifi Publishing. […]

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