Adventures in Scifi Publishing Returns!

Update as of July 1st

I am very excited to announce the return of Adventures in Scifi Publishing! Regular production resumes this month with more interviews, book reviews, news, videos, and more.

Episode 78, featuring Greg Van Eekhout, will be available Wednesday, July 8th, to be followed by James Enge, author of Blood and Ambrose, and many more.

Thank you so much to everyone who left comments on this blog and sent in dozens of emails to express your support. The last four months have been sadder without the show, and I can’t wait to get back into a production groove.

Thanks again for making this show your own, and here’s to another 77 shows!

Shaun Farrell

Old Post:

After 30 months of continuous production (mostly), AISFP is taking an indefinite hiatus from all future production. While there will be one or two more interviews in the coming weeks, regular production will be suspended until 2010. I hope you will stay subscribed to the podcast, as I can’t say for certain when new content will be made available.

It has been my great honor and joy to create this podcast. If you are just discovering the show, please use the Category Section to access the complete archive. You’ll find many hours of scifi geeky goodness to satisfy the reader and writer living within you.

My thanks to Sam for cohosting the show since episode19. Your humor and insight took AISFP to new heights, and I will always value the time we spent together. Thanks to Catherine and Steven for writing book reviews that are intelligent, fair, and well-written. And my thanks to all the authors and editors who made time to be available for interviews. Special thanks to Lou Anders and Tobias Buckell for their many contributions and support.

This show wouldn’t exist if not for you, the listeners, who downloaded each episode and brought us into your cars, homes, and gyms. I hope we gave you inspiration and entertainment, and I hope you will look forward to our return. if you need a podcast to fill AISFP’s slot in your listening schedule, I recommend The Agony Column, by Rick Kleffel.

Until next year, keep reading, and God bless.


Shaun Farrell

Connect with Adventures in SciFi Publishing

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  1. Shaun, I’m sorry to hear you’re taking a hiatus, but please rest assured that, once you come back, you’ll have an eager and enthusiastic audience waiting.

  2. Shaun – I’m sorry to hear it. The banter between you and Sam and your interviews brightened many of my gray Chicago morning runs. I’ll keep my subscription to the feed and hope you’re able to come back to podcasting. Good luck in your new endeavors.

  3. Dang.

  4. I hope you’ll be able to bring the podcast back next year. If you need any help let me know.

  5. Dude, Greg took my comment.

    Seriously, do what you need to, Shaun. We’re all rooting for you. And thanks for all the great shows!

    — Jason

  6. Shaun Farrell says

    Thank you everyone. Your support means more than you know.

  7. Sorry to hear that Shaun. Until AISFP returns, the podsphere is missing one of its best shows. Hope everything works out. Take care and take it easy!

  8. Thanks for 30 great months of podcasting. I’ll keep you on my RSS feed and can’t wait till 2010. Best of luck to you.


  9. Shaun, thanks so much for all the great episodes of Adventures. One of my very favorite podcasts–always happy when I see that a new episode has come out. Looking forward to your return someday. And all the best in your new career.

  10. Roddy Reta says

    I’ve been listening since the beginning, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of your podcast! Its easily one of the best, most professional podcasts on sci-fi out there. Sad to hear you’ll be leaving San Diego, but I hope the new career works out for you.

  11. I, too, will be awaiting the return of AISFP and hope that you let us know if you need any support of any kind when you’re ready to come back. I, for one, will do a blog and link on it, and I bet everyone else will, too.

  12. Hey, I just discovered you guys this week. Incredibly good stuff! I wish you the best of luck. Do what you have to do, and we’ll see you on the net later. I’d be glad to blog and link too when the time comes. Take care.

  13. AISFP as been a joy for me the past few months, especially going through the back list (which I still have a decent amount yet to hear). I’ll be waiting for your return, best wishes until then Shaun!

    – Christian

  14. I’ll miss the show terribly!
    I enjoyed it because you did, Shaun. Good luck on the test and in your new location, all the best to your family.
    When you are ready to return, you have a ready-made fan base!

  15. Thanks for the great shows, your contribution to the pod-o-sphere has already been tremendous.

  16. Shaun,

    That last episode was great. The interview was marvellous, but the emotion in your voice when youtold us of the hiatus was plain to hear. We know what an impact the show has had on you, and that you realise what it means to your listeners. Cheers for a brilliant show that has inspired many of us. I’ll be sticking around for your return. All the very best of luck with your new life.


  17. Say it ain’t so Shaun. 🙁
    Thanks for the last almost 3 years. Your podcast has been one of my all time favourites. We’ll be waiting for you until you get back.
    All the best for your new adventure.

  18. Sorry to see the show go on hiatus, but totally understand. Best of luck for your life/career reboot.

  19. Al Robinowski says

    Hawking barcode scanners while dreaming of becoming a published writer, just got a bit lonlier. You’ll be missed. (Hate to be selfish, but I hope the podcast is back soon.)

    Thanks for all the great shows and interviews!

  20. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks again, everyone. I am truly blessed.

  21. Random English Listener says

    Just had to write & give a massive thanks for the podcasts – they’ve helped me power through many a workday over the past year or so, & really been appreciated 😀
    Thanks again, & hope everything goes well with the new role!

  22. Joseph Aldred says

    I am sorry to hear the news, but good luck to you in your future endevors. I just started listening with the beginning of the new year and there are a select few that I listen to, this being one of them, and I will keep AISFP on my pod catcher eagely waiting your return.

    Good luck,
    Joseph Aldred

  23. Autumn Carlson says

    We’ll all miss you, but I know that I’m glad you’re going to be doing something you love. You certainly deserve some reward for all the work you’ve done out of love for the show. I’ll certainly stay subscribed!

  24. I’m embarrassed that it took an announcement of this kind to get me to come leave a comment here. My words of appreciation are long overdue. Thanks so much for all you have done. This podcast has been an endless source of inspiration and enjoyment for me.

    You will always have a reserved space in my podcast subscription list, hiatus an all. Try to enjoy your new adventure, even if it brings a lot of change. Take care of yourself, and thanks again.

  25. John W. Oliver says

    Good luck on the beginning of your new adventure. As you well know, I thoroughly enjoy your podcast and hope you can get back to it in time. I understand that family comes before everything else, but I hope you’re able to continue to pursue your acting and writing while you are away from us.

  26. Hey Shawn,

    Thanks for all the podcast! Your show is the show that got me interested in listening to podcasts and helped get me 62,000 words in a novel I have always wanted to start writing. Thanks for your efforts.
    Good fortunes in your new career.



  27. Shaun Farrell says

    You people are the best. I’m so touched by everyone’s encouragment. I can’t wait to start production again, and I’m already bursting with ideas for some great new features!

  28. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about the hiatus! I truly enjoyed listening to you guys and I always went to you first for my publishing news. Thanks for all the hard work you’ve put into it, and here to hoping that we’ll hear from you guys again, if not in this podcast, then in other ventures. Thanks again!

  29. … I just spent, what, fifteen minutes reading all these lovely comments. Wow. Just wow.

    While I haven’t been able to contribute as much as I’d have liked lately (once again, real life interferes with my hobbies, passions and fun-time), it’s important to me for all of you to know how wonderful this experience has been for me. From quick humorous comments, to some of you actually coming into the store and meeting me in the flesh, I feel like I’m a part of a greater community: one that I’ve come to cherish.

    Thank you, Shaun, for including me in this labor of love. I look forward to shootin’ the sh*t with you on mic again soon.

    Now what am I going to do to get my Geek on in the meanwhile? Hmm… can you say Mass Effect fanfic, anyone? Or maybe I should just go back to stalking Richard Morgan full time. Decisions, decisions.

    –That Crazy Valkergeek

  30. Oh Hamburgers! I just started listening to the podcasts (Lou Anders/Joseph Malozzi & Chris Roberson), so at least I can do some catching up.

    Looking forward to hearing the return!

  31. David from NO says

    I am really sorry to hear this. This podcast was very inspiring to me for writing. THe interviews always entertained nad informed me. Reading “Zen in the Art of Writing” right now and Can’t think this podcast enough for mentioning it and thus informing me of such a great book.

    I look forward to future podcasts when they come. I can’t thank you guys and ladies enough. Looking forward to your return!

  32. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks, David! I’m glad you’re reading Bradbury’s book on writing. It’s all about passion, and that is very important to sustain the tough stretches that a writer endures.

  33. Christian Klaver says

    I truly hope this will be a short hiatus for you! This is absolutely my favorite podcast, and the only one I hit regularly. It’s not just info, but contact with the sci-fi community that keeps me feeling in touch in between cons.

    Lifeline down….gasp :^)

    Hopefully, it can start up soon and brighten my drive to work once again.

  34. John McCarthy says

    I only recently found the podcast and I’m just about caught up, then I hear you’re taking some time to restart your life and take care of family?
    Really? THAT’S your excuse? Geeze.
    Don’t let that son of yours download any other ringtones.
    We’ll leave the light on for you.
    Come back soon.
    All the best,

  35. Robert Mateo says

    Still trying to let it sink in. Shaun, as a listener and an aspiring writer, thank you for years of listening to my favorite podcast! You really helped me to continue writing. I have always looked forward to your next podcast and that hasn’t changed. I hope everything works out for you and hope to HEAR from you soon.

  36. Shaun,
    Your show was my favorite podcast and I am bereft. Your show was simply fabulous. Your work was undervalued in the marketplace and we have only ourselves to blame. I would have paid to listen to your wonderful content and I was too lazy and too complacent to donate. The next revolution in podcasting will be to pay for good work such as yours, because you deserved it.
    As far as your new career goes, (real estate), it requires intelligence, dedication, long hours, great people skills, and a good sense of humor. You should be a great success. When you come back on air (please!) I am getting off my lazy $$$### and donating to the cause. You still have your PayPal button up… does it work?
    Good luck, Shaun.

  37. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks for the kind words, Nancy and Mateo. Nancy, I don’t think anyone podcasts expecting to make money. Maybe in a few years that dynamic will change. Certainly, if I was making money, I could have justified pouring more hours into it and keeping the show going, but for now I must take care of my family and our future, and that requires focusing on efforts that actually generate revenue. This podcast is all about the love for me!

  38. Robert Mateo says

    Nancy brought out a good point that you did not elaborate on. She asked about donations to AISFP. Many of us are guilty of gladly listening to a great podcast and forgeting that these come at a price to the podcaster (not to mention time). Perhaps all those guilty of such pleasures could donate for past episodes that were not only entertaining but also gave great insights to the world of publishing/writing.

    I would also like to mention that you have some definite street cred and that you’ve earned it. I think you’ve gained the resect of authors (wanna be and published) as well as from editors, publishers and the like. Thus far you may have not been able to see much of the profiable end of it all – but hopefully someday you will. One would think it more than possible after listening to the quality of your podcasts and the quality of authors and those in the publishing world that you have had on AISFP.

  39. Robert Mateo says

    I hate typos. Corrections: ‘forgetting’ – ‘respect’ of authors – and ‘profitable’.

  40. Shaun is too shy to respond but I just donated some retroactive appreciation money using the PayPal button. I suggest that if anyone appreciated Shaun’s efforts, they can cough up a couple of bucks too!
    Thanks, Shaun!

  41. I know you’ll be back, Shaun, and I also know your podcasts will be enjoyed for decades and more to come.

    As people have said above, your podcast was one of the inspirations for my Light On Light Through podcast, where I’ll continue to play a promo for your podiobook of my novel, The Silk Code, for as long as Light On Light Through keeps going….

    Always your friend, Paul

  42. Shaun Farrell says

    Thank you very much, Nancy. Sorry it took so long for me to respond! And thank you, too, Paul.

  43. I have just discovered your podcast… Thanks for all the work on it and I have a lot to listen to now. Your research really shows in the interviews and I can appreciate that you would rather not do the show than do it poorly.

    Here’s hoping that you can return to the show in the future.



  44. Shawn Pendley says

    Ouch! I discovered you this week. Take care, Shaun (and Sam!). I wanted to let you know that I’m a high school English teacher and fully intend on spreading the word of your amazing podcast to the next generation. You’ve done fantastic work.

  45. Shaun Farrell says

    Thank you very much Pete and Shawn!

  46. Jenn Brissett says

    I kept hoping that this was not true and that you would only taking a few months off. I miss the podcast. It was always interesting and entertaining. I even found out about the Stonecoast Writing program because of it. I applied to it and got in! So thanks so much. Hope that you come back soon. Be well.

  47. Shaun Farrell says

    Way to go, Jenn! Make sure you tell your new classmates about the podcast. 🙂 It will be back. I promise. Just not sure when.

  48. Yes! Yes! Yes! Adventures in SciFi Publishing is coming back! Am I using too many exclaimation points? No, I don’t thinks so! Thank you Shaun!

  49. Thank you, Robert!

  50. This is most awesome news, Shaun! I was down to a handful of archives and doling them out. Best wishes for a continued run for many years to come.

  51. WebGenii says

    So glad to hear you are on your way back!


  1. […] other news, one of my favorite podcasts is being put on hiatus. Adventures in SciFi Publishing is not ending—there may be a couple more episodes put out, but it’s not known when it will […]

  2. […] … as soon as I go to post this, I discover that AISFP is going to take a hiatus until 2010. This is very sad news indeed. Though Shaun does mention he will have a few more interviews posted […]

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