Win a Free Copy of Norse Code

Thank you to everyone who entered the Norse Code contest. it was a big hit, I’d say, and here are the winners, who will be receiving copies of Norse Code, by Greg Van Eekhout, soon.

Liam from Springfield
Robert from Rock Hill
Rich from San Diego
Ben from Kearns
Don from Greensboro

How can we return to regular production of the podcast and not have a summer contest? So, on the heals of our interview with Greg Van Eekhout, we present a contest, sponsored by Spectra, featuring several copies of Greg’s novel, Norse Code.

If you want to win a free copy of Norse Code, here are the rules.

1. Write a blog post. What must the blog say? It can say whatever you want, but somewhere in there you need to incorporate two pieces of information to qualify for contest. First, you need to say that the Adventures in Scifi Publishing podcast is back in production, and second, you need to say that our first episode back features Greg Van Eekhout, author of Norse Code. Make sure to include a link to the episode for your followers, readers, and friend to check out. That’s it. Write a blog, mention the show, mention Greg and the title of his book, Norse Code, and you qualify.

2. Email us at adventuresinscifipublishing (at) gmail (dot) com to have your entry counted. Include your address in the email so Spectra knows where to send the book.

3. Enjoy the rest of your month and wait to see if you win. Winners will be notified by email. Their names will be read on the podcast with their blogs linked to in the show notes.

The contest ends midnight on Friday, July 31st.

Big thanks to Spectra for sponsoring the contest. Norse Code is a great read, so let’s help spread the word! Best of luck, everyone.

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  1. Thanks for running this contest, Shaun! Much better than my idea for a contest, which involved raiding monasteries on the coast of Ireland.

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    I’m saving that contest for your next book. Baby steps to the monasteries. Baby steps to the monasteries. . . .

  3. Curses. I already purchased the book but put me down for pillaging.

  4. Rusty Webb says

    Those of us that entered await with baited breath the announcement of the winners… I don’t even do that with the lottery.

  5. Woohoo! Thanks, Shaun! I finally won something in my life, LOL.
    Great podcast, thanks for all your work. πŸ™‚


  1. […] Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing is back in production! I’m just so happy. It’s easily my favorite podcast. Shaun Farrell is an excellent interviewer, and Sam Wynns makes a great co-host. The first episode after the big break is an interview of Greg Van Eekhout, author of Norse Code. Since I’m writing a story based in part on Norse mythology, I was really interested in this one. I was a little disappointed to find out that the story was based in Los Angeles (IIRC). I don’t get into modern fantasy much. But I liked the interview enough to check out the first few chapters of the book. Shaun’s interviews do that to me. I liked what I read, and now I want to win a free copy of the book. […]

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