AISFP 81 – Kay Kenyon

After taking a few weeks to focus on my real estate exam, we’re back with Kay Kenyon, author of Bright of the Sky, A World Too Near, and City Without End. We discuss blending science fiction and fantasy tropes, propaganda versus fiction, and assuming the mind of Evil.

Show Notes:

As a side note, this is one of the worst reviews I’ve ever read. It’s nonsensical, and she dares to use the word “convoluted.”

Anyway, congrats to the Norse Code winners. Special music, The Return of Titus Quinn, by the talented Jon Anealio. Thanks for giving us permission to play the song, Jon. Keep up the great work! And, folks, please drop by Jon’s blog and give him some comment-love.

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  1. Hi Shaun,

    Another great interview, thank you. I started Bright of the Sky a couple of years ago, and stopped, deciding to wait until book four was on the horizon and read them back to back as I felt I would not want to wait (I’ve been quietly collecting them as they came out). I will be starting in October and plan to read one each month with the expectations of a wild ride.

    Keep up the excellent work!

    – Christian

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    That’s awesome, Christian! You have some great fiction ahead of you. Please send us an email or a voicemail with a review when you’re done.

  3. I will certainly do so! Very much looking forward to them.

  4. That music is great – I will definitely drop by Jon’s blog.

    I found AISFP a couple of months back and started on your back catalog; finally up to date as of today, and it’s been a great experience.

    Thanks guys!

  5. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks, Fiona. I’m surprised you’re not sick of us!

  6. Wow. Baen’s is going down. I think you hit it on the head. There is so much out there. I have a hard time picking a magazine to look at. Then I look at Clarkesworld where I can read what I want, when I want, for free. Really hard for me to justify spending money on a magazine with my current budget. I have a hard time not thinking that when it comes to short fiction we have quite a few magazines out there spreading readers thin while at the same time dealing with an ever growing number of submissions. Not to mention, until I started writing with the intent to published, I didn’t even know any of these magazines existed. We are in a very interesting time for the short form. New business models are needed.

    Great interview by the way! Thanks, Shaun.


  1. […] that both involved books that in some way blended Science Fiction and Fantasy. In the case of Kay Kenyon, her Entire and Rose series is solidly science fiction. I’ve read the first book and it […]

  2. […] posted at Shaun Farrell’s podcast Adventures in SciFi Publishing, an interview with yours truly where we discuss "blending science fiction and fantasy tropes, propaganda […]

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