We Need Your Comic-Con Stories

Sadly, AISFP will be missing his witty Comic-Con recollections, so he needs your help. Did you attendCom ic-Con? Did you meet your favorite writer, actor, musician, or artists, or did you meet some great friends from around the globe? We’d like to hear about it and feature you on this page.

To qualify, send your Comic-Con Experience in 750 words or less to adventuresinscifipublishing@gmail.com. Feel free to include up to five pictures with your submission, and we’ll paste your words and your face on AISFP.

Thanks very much!

Our first contribution comes from Phil Plait, creator of Bad Astronomy, found among the blogs of Discover Magazine. Phil is an astronomer, lecturer, and author. After ten years working on Hubble Space Telescope and six more working on astronomy education, he struck out on his own as a writer. He has written two books, dozens of magazine articles, and 12 bazillion blog articles. He is a skeptic, and fights misuses of science as well as praising the wonder of real science. Check out his Flickr Page for lots of Comic-Con photos!

By Phil Plait

So on Saturday of Comic Con I was setting up to moderate the Mythbusters panel. We had successfully navigated the route from the hotel to the convention center green room; that’s a large room reserved for panelists to give them some down time before and after panels and let them get away from the mob (and at 120,000+ attendees, I do mean mob).

The green room is not for any one panel, so other stars and such wandered in and out. John Barrowman and Naoko Mori were there, and I was working up the courage to go over and say hello. But first I had business to do with the Mythbusters, squaring away last minute details.

That only took a few minutes, and when it was done I was sitting around joking and laughing with some Discovery Channel folks, and also lamenting that I had done nearly, but not quite everything I planned on at Comic Con: I was still missing getting Anna Torv’s autograph for The Little Astronomer (which, if you read the previous post, you know I was able to eventually achieve), and seeing David Tennant.

I love love love David Tennant. I’ll miss him greatly when he leaves Doctor Who, as I consider his portrayal the best of all of them. My daughter loves him too, and last year drew a picture of him as the Doctor. As I said in Part I, she’s actually a good artist. Last year at Comic Con I was able to give Steven Moffat a copy of her drawing, which he enjoyed. I was hoping to repeat the effort with Tennant, but had completely blown the chance to meet him at an earlier press conference.

And just as I said this — and I mean that literally, the words had barely where to buy neurontin escaped my lips — when someone said, “Turn around.”

I did. Standing there in the green room, not ten feet away, was Russell Davies, the man who rebooted Doctor Who, and standing next to him was David Tennant.

Holly. Flurking. Schmidt.

After the shock cleared, a bunch of stuff flew through my head. One was that a few seconds before I saw Tennant standing there, I heard the sounds of dozens of women screaming and had ignored it; just outside the room were the lines to get into the panels, and I assumed some random star had walked by. I was right, but it wasn’t random, it was the freaking Doctor himself.

After a moment, Tennant went over to talk to John Barrowman. Stirring myself, I took the opportunity to approach Davies. I introduced myself, thanking him for rebooting the series, and showed him the drawing TLA did. He loved it, which was cool, and immediately said, “Well, we have to get David to sign this for her!”

Man, I love Russell Davies. That was totally awesome of him.

So he flags Tennant, and we walk over. I introduce myself again, saying I love his work and think he’s the best. He demures, thanking me — he must get this literally dozens of times a day, but is ever so polite about it, and is quite the gentleman. I showed him the drawing, which he gushed over, and agreed gallantly to sign it.

I had two copies, so I gave him one, keeping the signed one for TLA. I thanked him again, and let him go to his personal business*.

When I got home, I showed the drawing with Tennant’s signature to TLA, and she wigged out in an appropriate manner. We’ll be getting that drawing framed for sure, along with the one from Anna Torv, too.

I have a lot of memories from Comic Con, and while meeting David Tennant will always remain one of those Top Moments, seeing my daughter’s face when I showed her the drawing will easily be Number 1.

I asked Felicia to introduce me to Alan Tudyk, and he immediately said “Grab a picture!” His shirt says “Twilight is gay”. Guess who snapped this for us! Masi Oka, who plays Hiro on “Heroes”. Yikes.

Come with me if you want to live.

There were approximately one billion manga booth babes at CC, but this one was totally adorable, and I am required by law to have at least one cosplay woman in my Flickr stream.

Oh yes, that’s Seth MacFarlane.

The awesome Wil Wheaton was only at CC for a day, but made time to meet up with me and chat. Allison was schwitzing.

Videos From Nina

Nina shot dozens of video at Comic-Con. You can see all of her footage at her YouTube Playlist. And check out a surprise appearance by Johnny Depp on the homepage.

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  1. Lol, why I am not surprise by Alan Tudyk shirt. This was a nice piece on the DT, thank you for sharing.


  1. […] on their page. I heard it through @tarynoneill on Twitter, sent them my David Tennant story, and it’s up on their site now. Here’s your chance to share whatever goofiness you went through, and hear about […]

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