AISFP 89 – Bilmes, Brett, and Sprunk

Finally, a new episode! This month we feature our version of a winning trilogy: literary agent Joshua Bilmes, author Peter V. Brett and author Jon Sprunk. Conversing with our own Jonathan Schiefer, they discuss the science buy generic neurontin online fiction publishing industry and their individual work. Thanks for the great work, Jonathan, and thanks to Joshua, Peter, and Jon for lending their time at World Fantasy. Keep reading!

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  1. Robert Mateo says

    Great interviews. But especially, it is good to hear from Shaun.
    It would be a shame for such a great podcast to fall by the wayside.

    Looking forward to more great stuff from AISFP.
    Sincerely, Robert Mateo

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Thank you, Robert.

  3. Thanks, Jonathan. I had a great time doing the interview.

  4. What was the book mentioned? Write to Sell? I can’t find the part where they discuss it. Hmph.

  5. Shaun Farrell says

    Write to Sell sounds right to me, too.

  6. Yep, it was Writing to Sell. It is currently out of print, but there are a lot of used copies out there to choose from. I currently have one headed to my mailbox myself. Thanks to Peter Brett for the tip and to Jonathan Schiefer for getting the interview.

  7. My god I miss this show. Great to hear new content. These Jonathan Schiefer interviews have been fantastic. Great stuff.

  8. David J. Cochrane says

    Wonderful show. Took me forever to get to it, but I loved it.

  9. Not sure where else to put this. There seems to a problem with the feed to have a subscription to the podcast. It all looks good but all the links to the files are 1 byte. Would love to subscribe but will not taint computer with itunes.

  10. Lap Chung says

    I’ve been catching up on a year of the podcast in the last month, and I wanted to thank Jonathan for his great interviews and of course to Shaun and Sam for a great podcast.

  11. There’s something really funny about a book called “Write to Sell” being out of print.


  1. […] had way too much to drink, I was waylaid by Jonathan Scheifer into sitting down for a podcast with Adventures in SciFi Publishing.  Like Simcha, Jonathan was a really nice guy with an easy manner, and he’d read and enjoyed […]

  2. […] dismay every time a hood is present on a cover. Still, the book itself sounds fun (and I liked what Sprunk had to say on this podcast), so it’s been on my radar ever […]

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