AISFP 94 – Stargate Universe

This episode is brought to you by SPELLWRIGHT, the exciting new fantasy novel from Blake Charlton. Nicodemus is a young, gifted wizard with a problem. Magic in his world requires the caster to create spells by writing out the text . . . but he has always been dyslexic, and thus has trouble casting even the simplest of spells. And his misspells could prove dangerous, even deadly, should he make a mistake in an important incantation.

Read the novel Robin Hobb calls a “letter-perfect story: an absorbing read and recommended.”

I sat down with Robert Carlyle, Ming Na, David Blue, and Robert C. Cooper of the Syfy Channel hit series Stargate: Universe at Comic-Con, and here you will find all four interviews. Knowing that not everyone in the AISFP community is familiar with the show, we focused most of our discussion on the creative process, but there are a few spoilers for the upcoming season. If you haven’t watched Season 1 of SGU, I highly recommend it. It’s a great show for anyone who loves good drama, good science fiction, great acting, great writing, and characters you’ll care about.

Show Notes:
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Promo: Theme and Variations

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  1. Sounds like it’ll be a good one, wish I had thought to look early this AM, I’ve got about seven hours of driving today and this would have been a good one to put in the iPod!

    Glad to see more frequent ‘casts!

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    OH! There’s always tomorrow, Fred, but that won’t make the drive any better. And, yes, it’s a good one.

  3. Thumbs up on the interviews (and good job finding questions that they hadn’t been hit with dozens of times already).

    However…I’m eying that theme music…didn’t I hear it in a 1970’s film with a slightly “blue” tinge…


  4. Shaun Farrell says

    I don’t know what you’re talking about Fred!


  1. […] the upcoming season! You can listen to the interviews on the Adventures of SciFi Publishing website here. You can also subscribe to the Adventures podcast on […]

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