Hello world, my name is Moses and I’m the newly appointed “News Manager” at the re-launched AISFP 2.0. Nice to meet you. My impossible mission is to scour the digital highways looking for rock ’em sock ’em items of interest to share with you at least a couple times every month.
This will get really good when you (that means you, silly!) contribute to the SciFi/Fantasy community by sending any news and story tips to me at scifipress /at/ gmail.com. The more scoops we get, the more news we’ll share. Let’s make this news feature rock! Who likes to rock the party? I like to rock the party! I wrote a press release about what we’re looking for:
Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing 2.0 features a new dedication to reporting all items of interest surrounding Science Fiction and Fantasy publishing. From the mega-deals to the blog posts of the aspiring writer, from the free book giveaways to the writing contests and online communities, we want to hear from you and share your news with our audience.
So let’s do this.
The next time a muscle-bound stud knocks you down and kicks sand in your face at the beach, you might find this retort useful: “There is no ‘geek’ anymore … nothing is nerdy if it’s earning half-a-billion dollars at the box office,” sayeth Chris Carle, IGN’s entertainment director. I know, you’re working on the half-a-billion part.
Speaking of not nerdy, here’s a glimpse of the sexy side of Comic-Con. Whether it’s smokin’ hot mamas in fishnets or gladiatorial studs that turn you on (or both … or neither … or … whatever), here’s a good serving of cleavage and beefcake dressed up in Star Wars, Hollywood, and G.I. Joe garb.
Great. I lost you. By the way, Shaun Farrell kind of looks like the Tron guy in pic 3, doesn’t he? Is there something you’re not telling us about your activities, Shaun?
Anyway, welcome back. We need some music around here, so allow me to recommend the work of Kit Soden, who recently created an album inspired by Steven Erikson’s epic fantasy series, The Malazan Book of the Fallen. You can listen to it for free. I also got to ask Kit a few questions about his relationship with Erikson and fantasy. Check out his song, Bard’s Curse. I dig it.
Speaking of Steven Erikson, he recently wrote this on Facebook about finishing his fantasy series which took him twenty years to finish.
GASP! That would be me, coming up for air. How long was I down there? About twenty years, from conception to completion. The Malazan Book of the Fallen is done. Sure, editing and all that crap to follow. But … done. I don’t know who I am. Who am I again? What planet is this? Three months of butterflies … maybe this double whiskey will fix that. Hmm. No. Delayed reaction going on here.
Let’s talk publishing vs self-publishing. Many of you have heard of J.A. Konrath by now, as he’s become famous for his independent financial success with ebooks and his pro-ebook, pro-indie stance. Recently, he wrote a blog post arguing that the end of traditional print publishing may be near. Jim C. Hines wrote a rebuttal, and there’s even a bit of back-and-forth between Jim and J.A. in the comments. Not since Bud Bowl VIII has a contest been so enthralling. Seriously, they made eight Bud Bowls.
Along those lines, Dean Wesley Smith wrote a blog post about the new world of publishing and admits that he should’ve opened his mind to it sooner.
Wondering what Steampunk is all about and want a quick primer drawn in colored pencil? Lucky you.
Let’s say you’re looking for something fresh and new in the wide world of SF/F genre websites. Here’s a good science fiction and fantasy resource page with outgoing links to dozens of Sci-Fi sites. I hope you find The One.
Well that should keep you clicking for a while. Until next time, remember that light sabers and alcohol don’t mix. Moses out.
[…] in SciFi Publishing podcast/website held together by the dedicated Shaun Farrell. Yesterday, my first news roundup went live over there; I had a lot of fun writing […]