AISFP 97 – Lou Anders

Lou Anders, Hugo Nominated Editorial Director of Pyr Books, joins us from Comic-Con to discuss his two newest anthologies, Masked and Swords and Dark Magic, co-edited with Jonathan Strahan. We also discuss science fiction conventions, the sophistication of modern superhero fiction, the new Sword and Sorcery, the power of io9, and forthcoming titles.

This episode is brought to you by Locus Magazine, the world’s premiere magazine covering the science fiction and fantasy publishing industry. Featuring news, exclusive interviews, book reviews, listings, convention reports and columns, LOCUS is a must read for fans, writers, and scholars of science fiction and fantasy. Orson Scott Card says LOCUS “manages to be broad and deep at the same time. I appreciate the continuous contact with worldwide science fiction, the many viewpoints in the reviews, the lively and intelligent writing.” Subscribe today!

Show Notes:

We spend so much time lamenting the demise of short fiction, so I am pleased to share two NEW magazines hitting the e-market. Flagship and Spectra are both digital magazines, available in various formats. We will reveal full details of the art contest in next week’s episode. Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest.

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  1. That would be reassuring to know that people are reading more. From what I hear scifi could still be doing okay, though I understand, in terms of sales, top of the list is Romance, followed by Crime, then, Fantasy and SCIFI.

    I liked what Lou had to say about superheroes and fantasy, and while it’s not a case of reinventing the wheel some new, dynamic elements are being introduced and played out.

    I re-watched Unbreakable last night, which was I think a failed attempt to do something new with the superhero genre. There are always good things about M. Night’s films, but they often fail at the finishing post. A very unsatisfactory ending. The best part was about the disintegrating relationship and the family dynamics.

    I read the sample from Masked on Amazon – reads great, and I definitely want to read the whole book now.

  2. Enjoyed this episode quite some, but it’s hard to pick a favorite segment. Probably talking about MASKED (and how to pronounce this word to your transcription software) and the run-down of the authors and their previous projects. Definitely enjoyed hearing about the Stargate producer’s “8 month ordeal” of writing a prose story.

  3. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I too, hope that more people are reading, as Lou said. Sam, MASKED is a hard word to say! 🙂


  1. […] been listening to this.  Lou Anders is the senior editor for a book company in the States.  I imagine he knows what […]

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