AISFP 126 – Robin Sullivan

Clarkesworld is a monthly science fiction and fantasy magazine first published in October 2006. Each issue contains at least two pieces of original fiction from new and established authors. Their fiction is also collected by issue in signed chapbooks, ebook editions and in their annual print anthology, Realms. Also listen to their original, monthly fiction podcast, and become a Clarkesworld Citizen so this online magazine can continue to bring us the very best in science fiction and fantasy. Clarkesworld now features Kindle Subscriptions. Click on the image to get yours today!

Show Notes:

Robin Sullivan, owner and publisher of Ridan Publishing, discusses the ever changing publishing industry, working with her husband, author Michael J. Sullivan (interviewed in episode 125), Nathan Lowell, the Write to Publish blog, marketing, ebooks, authors B.V. Larson, David Dalglish, Victorine Lieske, pricing strategy, and so much more.

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  1. Thanks for posting the interview. It was recorded some time ago and it’s interesting to listen to it and some of my predictionsn for Ridan authors. I mentioned that I expected Marshall Thoma’s sales to excellerate and sure enough they did. in May Marshall sold more than 17,000 books and over 18,500 in June. I also predicted to see more from Leslie Ann Moore and she too is just now starting to take off. We’ve released “YA” versions of her Griffin’s Daughter books and she is currently our top seller. She’s topped over 1,000 books across 2 titles in just a few days of early July.

  2. That’s one thing that worked out really well with the delay, Robin. You accomplished exactly what you said you wanted to do. I smiled when I listened to it recently and heard your predictions for Marshall Thomas and Leslie Ann Moore.

  3. Regarding the discussion of price points for books:

    I value my time much more than the price of the books. If I spent 10 hours reading a $0.99 book that I did not like, I’d consider that much worse than my spending $19.00 and 10 hours reading a book that I did like.

    If I’m running low on $, I’ll check out the book from the local library.

  4. I’m with you on that, Ayman. I’m surprised more people aren’t the same way.


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