AISFP 133 – Justin Gustainis

THE TOME OF THE UNDERGATES has been recovered, and the gates of hell remain closed. Lenk and his five companions set sail to bring the accursed relic away from the demonic reach of Ulbecetonth, the Kraken Queen. But after weeks at sea, tensions amidst the adventurers are rising. Their troubles are only beginning when their ship crashes upon an island made of the bones left behind from a war long dead.

BLACK HALO is the second novel from the breakout fantasy sensation, Sam Sykes. Don’t miss this title from the author praised by John Scalzi, who said, “I do not wish Sam Sykes dead.” Oh, and when you buy your copy of BLACK HALO, please contact Sam on his website and tell him Adventures in Scifi Publishing sent you!

Show Notes

Justin Gustainis is a man who owes over $4,000 in library fees, but that’s not his only claim to fame! He is the author of the recently released HARD SPELL and SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, and he joins us to discuss the circumstances around his first novel, THE HADES PROJECT, what inspired him as a child, a demonically possessed President of the United States (not ours. Listen to the interview.), style and pacing, dialogue, the Odyssey Workshop, his novel’s connection to Dracula, that his books are not paranormal romance, editing anthologies, meth-addicted goblins and an author who shall not be named. Also check out Stark For America.

Enter now to win a copy of THE BLACK GODS WAR, by our very own Moses Siregar. Just retweet one of Moses’ tweets about the novel, or write your own tweet about the book. Then, come to this page and leave a comment that you tweeted about the novel. That way Moses is sure to not miss your entry. Entries due September 7th! Here is that gorgeous map:

Map by Jared Blando,

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  1. Gilberto says

    I retweeted one of Moses’s tweets about the novel. I am @LordReblik on Twitter.

  2. I also retweeted one of Moses’ tweets. I am @KaaSerpent on Twitter.

  3. Been retweeing his tweets for a long time now! Want this book to get on the bestseller list.

  4. I am SPARTACUS…oh, wait, just plain @FredKiesche

  5. Oh I so very tweeted about this book. @thousandheads

    The book sounds neat.

  6. Shaun Farrell says

    Fred, better to say you are Spartacus than to say, “I am. . . THE LAW!”

  7. I just retweeted the crap out of one of Moses’ tweets promo-ing The Black God’s War. I’m @Rusty87d

  8. I tweeted! Yay me! I’m going to tell mommy now!

  9. Steven Hofmann says

    @stevenhofmann has retweeted one a Moses tweet about The Black God’s War. 🙂

  10. I also retweeted. New listener and enjoying the show very much. It’s been a great way to find out about authors and books I will enjoy reading.

  11. And the winners are …

    Gary H
    Fred Kiesche
    Rusty Webb

  12. Woohoo!

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