AISFP 136 – Bryan Thomas Schmidt

This episode is brought to you by MAYAN DECEMBER, the exciting new science fiction novel from Brenda Cooper.

Dr. Alice Cameron is a famous scientist devoted to studying ancient Mayan culture. In December 2012 she finds herself on the Yucatan Peninsula with her daughter, Nixie, fellow scholars, end of the world crazies, and even the President of the United States. It all sounds wonderful until Nixie disappears into the past. Featuring a handsome dreadlocked time-traveler, an ancient shamam, a high ranking Mayan couple, a computer nerd, and an eleven year old child, Alice must traverse the past in a search for the meaning of life and a way to save two worlds.

You can follow Brenda on Twitter, and please tell her Adventures in Scifi Publishing sent you!

Show Notes:

  • Once THE WORKER PRINCE is available for order, which should be any day now, we’ll post it here. Bryan Thomas Schmidt, author of THE WORKER PRINCE and creator of the Twitter #SFFWRTCHT weekly interview series, which has featured an impressive list of guests, joins us to discuss religion in science fiction, working with a new publisher, writing good characters, his love of Star Wars, starting books off with an emotional punch, and much more. Read the untwittered transcripts at Grasping for the Wind.
  • Book Giveaway: Brenda Cooper is giving away signed copies of MAYAN DECEMBER and THE SILVER SHIP AND THE SEA. To enter you can tweet about the contest (make sure to include our handle so we see it – @aisfppodcast), or email us with MAYAN DECEMBER in the subject line and your name and address in the email body. The contest is open to residents of North America only. Entries due Wednesday, October 5th.

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  1. Shaun, Moses and Brent, thanks for doing this. Brent, it appears I totally misunderstood your question about fans’ reaction to the chat. We have several regulars, including pro writers like Patty Jansen and Jason Sanford and James Enge who are there weekly to ask questions and participate. Lots of up and coming writers and bloggers as well. Fans have been supportive and encouraging and gotten involved. They get a lot of chances to win free books, network with authors and even help pick future guests. It’s really something we do for the community, and in December, our one year anniversary month, we’ll be having a chat dedicated to those regulars and talking about their writing adventures.

  2. Just wanted to clarify that because it sounded as if I was making the chat about recruiting fans for me and my book and it’s not about that AT all. It’s about serving the SFF community. The fact that some of the other does occur is a blessing and bonus but not something I actively seek out.


  1. […] off, Adventures in Sci-Fi Publishing episode 136 with Bryan Thomas Schmidt was tremendous because of the instant chemistry he brought as an […]

  2. […] Thomas Schmidt – SFFWRTCHT host and new author of THE WORKER […]

  3. […] him on Audiotim). I started considering teaming up with him after hearing how well he did being interviewed on Adventures In SciFi Publishing. He had already asked me to write a regular column on his website discussing podcasts, how to make […]

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