AISFP 152 – WFC Extravaganza! Rothfuss, Lynch, Redick and More

With more than 80 books published, New York Times bestselling author David Bishoff brings you Hotspur Publishing, a new publisher of science fiction and fantasy, featuring both classic titles and works from newly discovered talent. Fill you e-reader today with their stellar opening lineup, including titles like FREEDOM CLUB, by Saul Garnell, WOLF DAWN, by Susan Cartwright, and Bishoff’s THE DESTINY DICE, praised by Piers Anthony as “Hilarious!”.

Living in St. Jude, a 110-year-old dying city on the edge of the Mississippi, is tough. But when a letter informs fourteen-year-old Cinque of the passing of the father he never met, he is faced with an incomplete past and an uncertain future. A curse meant for his father condemns Cinque to a slow death even as it opens his eyes to the strange other world around him. With help from the ghost, an enigmatic White Woman, a Loa, and a devious shape-shifter, Cinque gathers the tools to confront the ghost of his dead father. But sometimes too much knowledge can be dangerous – and the people he trusts most are those poised to betray him. Buy your copy of PICKING UP THE GHOST today!

Moses roamed the panels, dealers’ room, and darkened hallways (replete with hobgoblins and blood thirsty orcs) of the World Fantasy Convention with the contrived excuse of collecting epic interviews. Truly, he sought to steal author’s soul! Sadly for Moses, the audio record only captured words, and that traveling sorcerer who sold him the device has long since returned to the Fey Realm.

Collected here are 12 interviews with fabulous authors:

  • Nancy Green and Collette Vernon launch the forthcoming anthology WOMEN WRITING THE WEIRD.
  • Connie Willis talks about her conversation over pretend coffee with Neil Gaiman.
  • Jonathan Wood talks Cuthulu, Night Shade Books, and his new work.
  • Eric James Stone discusses the pressure of winning the Nebula Award and a new short story featuring a girl and her pet lobster.
  • K.W. Jeter remembers coining the term “steampunk” in a letter to Locus Magazine and his new series of thrillers.
  • Writers of the Future Gold winner Laurie Tom talks about writing by hand.
  • Patrick Rothfuss announces that he will not be writing book 3 in his trilogy.
  • Robert V. S. Redick escorts Moses to the Tor Party and talks about an 800,000 word story.
  • Robin Sullivan talks ebooks and the soaring success of Ridan Publishing.
  • Elizabeth Bear and Scott Lynch reflect on the World Fantasy Awards ceremony and, perhaps, touch on David Hartwell’s secret life. . . .
Sponsor Showcase: Louise Marley also joins us to discuss THE  BRAHMS DECEPTION.

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  1. […] My dear Mr. Lynch and I are interviewed at Adventures In Sci-Fi Publishing. It’s our first joi… […]

  2. SF Signal says:

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