‘They’ll stand amongst the corpses of the beloved.’ That’s what he said at the end, though I never considered myself one of the beloved, not at the beginning. I was simply a terrified woman then, but now… now I understand. Maybe I wish I didn’t. Eldon Thompson raves, “Readers with the fortitude to take the plunge stand to be rewarded with what may go down as one of the most ambitious, redefining forays into epic fantasy of all time.”
With more than 80 books published, New York Times bestselling author David Bischoff brings you Hotspur Publishing, a new publisher of science fiction and fantasy, featuring both classic titles and works from newly discovered talent. Fill you e-reader today with their stellar opening lineup, including titles like FREEDOM CLUB, by Saul Garnell, WOLF DAWN, by Susan Cartwright, and Bishoff’s THE DESTINY DICE, praised by Piers Anthony as “Hilarious!”
Discover EULOGY by D. T. Conklin and Hotspur Publishng and enjoy many sleepless nights! And tell them AISFP sent you.
Just about everyone has opinions on Amazon and the way Amazon is influencing (or controlling) publishing, and the podcasters joining us in this episode are no exception! J. Daniel Sawyer, Indiana Jim and John Mierau pontificate and share a singular message: Authors! Chill out. Click on the images to learn more about their work.
Want to win free books? Then email John and Daniel! First come, first served. Email addresses are given in the episode.
- John (at) Serving Worlds (dot) com
- Feedback (at) J D Sawyer (dot) net
Podcast: Download (Duration: 1:03:47 — 43.9MB)
Since Sawyer was on the panel…Paypal hates guns much more than they hate erotica…
I wrote a book about guns, I don’t sell guns 😉
brilliant show gents! keep it up.
Fantastic discussion guys. I don’t think there was anything said that I really disagreed with. Very refreshing.
You and your listeners/readers might be interested in several posts I’ve published on the ebook antitrust suit:
NEWS | Regulators Take on the Ebook
NEWS | Ebook Price Fixing and Bad Journalism
NEWS | The Ebook Price-Fixing Settlement: It’s Worse than You Think
NEWS ROUNDUP | Lots o’ Links on the Ebook Antitrust Suit, Publishing, & Innovation; Sayonara Space Shuttle
Forgot to post earlier but I love shows like this. The best business education I’ve received anywhere. I have to say that next to the shows with Stackpole as the guest these are my “go-to” episodes when I’m trying to make business decisions concerning my work.
These are some good dudes.