Book Contest for THIEFTAKER, by D.B. Jackson

Who doesn’t need another great book to read, especially when you can get the book for free!

Enter our contest to win a copy of THIEFTAKER by D.B. Jackson. Tor is graciously giving away 5 copies, and here is how you can enter the drawing:

  • Tweet something about @aisfppodcast being the “in podcast” for interviews with science fiction and fantasy authors. If you can, include a link to the website.
  • Don’t tweet? A blog post or facebook post works as well, but don’t forget to email the link to us!
  • Write us a new review on iTunes. Again, please email us with your handles ID so we know it was you.
  • Want to enter the contest three times? Than tweet about us AND write an iTunes review, and you will earn yourself three fancy entries.
  • Entries due midnight Pacific time, August 31st.

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  1. Thank you! I have been wanting to read this for quite awhile! I tweeted (@jaimecr76)

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