AISFP 184 – The Bright Light of New Possibilities

This episode is brought to you by Jason Denzel’s Kickstarter Project: SPECTRE: Post Production for an Epic Short Film. Jason has finished all of the principle photography for the film, but he needs some help funding special effects and mastering the audio.

The story is about a fallen paladin who wakes up wounded on a battlefield. There he finds Spectre, a notorious sword with the ability to speak who’s responsible for much of the destruction in the land. Having lost everything, the paladin vows to take the sword to a temple where it can be destroyed. But as he makes the long and grueling journey over land, he finds the sword is nothing like the world believes it to be.

This short film looks amazing, so let’s join Jason in improving the world by adding to it another fantasy film! Click on the link above to view footage for SPECTRE.

Show Notes:

And now the show you’ve all been waiting for: US! But without Brent, which does make us sad. Moses, Sandra and Shaun discuss what they’ve been up to, our goals for 2013, recently received books, helping Jay Lake, Moses’s new podcast and more.

The Jay Lake Fund – The outpouring of support is a beautiful thing to see.
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  1. Thanks for the totally random shout out, Moses! I’m laughing, and am honored you felt led to share about me on the show. Bro hug back at ya.

    Congrats on your sales last year, Shaun, and all the best in your 2013 endeavors.

    Glad to hear about your recent encouragement, Sandra. Three novels in three years is quite an accomplishment. The novel I’m working on now was first written like three years ago, and is in its third rewrite, so I feel you on the burnout. Just keep it up. Look forward to more of your interviews and your lightning round questions. Maybe ask when the next Cleveland pro team will win a championship-there’s a random question for ya. I’m just kidding, dont . I’m embarrassed to hear the answer.

    Brent? That slacker 😉

  2. Random shout out FTW! 😀

  3. Well, I think that the new format has been a success so far; the interview was very good and didn’t suffer from being in two parts and it was great to hear from three quarters of the podcast team and what the aspirations were going to be for the next year in terms of interviews and other aspects of the continuing voyages of the starship AISFP!

    As far as World Fantasy, well, I guess I will be seeing Moses down there! I don’t know what the plans are for traveling and accommodation, but if you need a native tour guide or a place to stay in London for a night, just let me know.

    • Thank you, James!

      That’s great about World Fantasy. I haven’t bought my flight or made hotel reservations yet. I may take you up on your offer to stay in London for a night, and your tour guide idea sounds fantastic too. Thanks again.

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