AISFP 205 – Michael R. Underwood, Part 2

Grave robbing requires a corpse, so at most, this was all just simple thievery.

“Rhamuel and the last of his family, Abranyah, travel their barren world, shack to shack, selling tinctures to keep a full belly and evading the dogmatists to keep their throats safe. Time has moved on after The Whatever, an apocalyptic event that few remember and even fewer can explain, danger now as commonplace as the unrecognizable relics of war, and the madman Aphulan—along with an iron rule over his small township—may hold the answers. With a cure for The Sick and a passion to uncover what happened to their world, Rhamuel and Abranyah set off on a journey to the “other place,” the days before The Whatever, and ready themselves for a glimpse into what happened, and what was always meant to happen next.”

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Show Notes:

Michael R. Underwood discusses how he tried to make his novel, Geekomancy, stand out among a homogenistic genre of hot-pants Urban Fantasy. He mentions War for the Oaks by Emma Bull and Charles de Lint as examples of the kind of Urban Fantasy he read and enjoyed.

Michael studies historic martial arts and shares how this helps him understand fighting better and translate this into writing fight scenes. Aside from picking up martial arts, he recommends reading Douglas Hulick (Among Thieves), Matthew Woodring Stover‘s Caine series (Heroes Die) and Bob (R.A.) Salvatore.

Michael was recently interviewed by the Roundtable Podcast, and has a very interesting blog post, “2012 in Review,” about his historic 2012 accomplishments. Also check out his co-workers and their great books at Angry Robot Books.

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  1. Ha! Ten years of Historical European Martial Arts vindicated!

  2. Exactly! Makes me wish I had spent my time more wisely than what I did skateboarding.

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